Let us be clear. President Trump cannot shut down the federal government!

Must always defend all things Trump!

Let’s face it - Dumpster Donnie will fume, fuss, scream, and throw tantrums in front of cameras, but when he sees a bill come across his desk he will sign it and claim complete victory - regardless of what is in the bill.

Paul Ryan looks exhausted and probably can’t wait to get out of the DC madhouse. Too bad his legacy is a train wreck.

Well, Rush seems to be wrong on this one.

Chuck Schumer stomps his feet, holds his breath, and while turning blue he promises to shut down government by not passing the spending bill in the Senate which will be sent over from the House!

So, as it turns out, it is Chuck-boy Schumer who has promised to shut down the government. Surprise, surprise, surprise! Who would have known?


Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone, far more than the measly $5 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK

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House approves spending bill with $5.7B for border wall

The House of Representatives Thursday approved a bill that would fund most of the federal government through early February – and provides $5.7 billion for President Trump’s long-promised border wall – increasing the chances of a partial government shutdown later this week.

So now, Chucky-boy Schumer gets the chance to prevent the Bill’s passage in the Senate, like he promised, and close the government down, before President Trump gets the chance to close the government down.

The bottom line is, the Democrat Party Leadership, Chucky-boy Schumer and Nancy-Botox-Pelosi, got snookered on this one


Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone, far more than the measly $5 billion asked for to build a wall!LINK

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He lied. It takes two sides to not pass a funding bill. Neither can block it by themselves.

The Senate did pass a CR to fund the govt through February. I believe it was even unanimous. The President said he wouldn’t sign it. The End.

For once, I think he wasn’t lying- he was accepting responsibility for whatever happens. You’d better believe he would have taken credit if he got his stupid wall money.

Did you see what McConnell said about Mattis? https://twitter.com/kasie/status/1075945554683797504

The tide is turning.

And now, Chucky-boy Schumer must block the passage of the bill in then Senate like he promised, making him the one who closes down the government. Or, he can do what is right and allow passage of the Bill and give Trump the $5.7 Billion to build the wall which will end our country being invaded by the poverty stricken populations of other countries, end human trafficking, stop the flow of criminals and drugs into our country at our southern border, and keep known terrorists from sneaking across our border ___ all of which promotes the general welfare of the United States and her citizens!


Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone, far more than the measly $5 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK

Says the guy who posts up fake figures like $18B lol

Someone seems rattled this morning…


One way, or another, we’re gonna fund ya
I’m gonna get ya, get ya get ya get ya.


I like your style… and Blondie…

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Kill the filibuster once and for all! Lets do it!

Personally, I think it would be funny if Mitch kills the filibuster, and then he STILL can’t get the votes to fund the wall.

I honestly wouldn’t care either way… Just makes Nancy Pelosi more powerful for the next two years if they kill the filibuster… Then in 2020, when the DNC takes the senate and house, medicare for all… 51 votes…

As GWB used to say… strategery…

He’s totally lost it (what little he had to begin with.)

Did you not pay attention when tiny trump clearly stated that it will be on him and that he’s ok with that?

So you don’t think tiny trump’s words have meaning?

It would be really funny if Trump vetoes the spending bill, then congress votes to override his veto.

Unlikely to happen, but I’d love to see Trump’s twitter fingers explode if it did happen.