Legalizing All Illegal Drugs

So you’re saying we should outlaw all opiates?

I have no idea how your reply has anything to do with the conversation being had. Are you posting under the wrong topic?

I didn’t think that everything heroin related was the only
opiates out there. You should do some more research if that is
what you think.

I thought that most Democrats would argue that most of the Illegal drugs came in
through points of entry?

It looks pretty easy to cross the border in a lot of other areas. So why would
anyone take a risk of smuggling drugs through points of entries, when the
risks would be a lot less through other ways? lol.

I’m talking about illegal drugs. What are you talking about?

I realize that most Democrats support illegal drugs, and all of the horrible
consequences that come with it, but I don’t.

Yes, people who like to make an excuse for anything and everything will smoke weed, but my questions is where does it stop? Medicinal Heroin? Medicinal Crack?

or are there any limitations at all, if it’s so called “medicinal”, and if someone
has a migraine?

I have more pain physically on a daily basis head wise and body wise than most
people will ever comprehend, and yet, I don’t whine like a little baby about it, or expect hard drugs for it! It’s because I don’t want to be controlled by the drugs, and get addicted to them!!! unlike most Liberal brainwashed people, that get controlled easily by Liberal Politicians that happily supply them to people under any circumstances or excuses!!! Oopps! they broke a nail! just find the right doctor, and they will supply you with medical pot.

This thread is about the legalization of drugs for personal use. There are plenty of other threads discussing the border.

M S Complications and nausea & appetite loss from chemo hardly makes one “whining like a baby and looking for an excuse to get medicinal marijuana”. These people want pain relief. They want to do normal, functional people things like enjoy a meal without throwing it up.

“What’s next? Medicinal heroin?”

If you remember Civil War history, wounded soldiers could inject themselves with morphine for the pain. Last I heard, end stage cancer patients in the U K COULD get heroin for their pain.

And it allowed them to sit up and do average people things like enjoy tv and crossword puzzles. Can’t say I really give a rat’s rear end if marijuana or even Paragoric or Heroin become legal in all 50 states.

Why should anyone suffer to the point they can’t function if there’s an alternative?

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Decriminalization of mushrooms passed in Denver! Just in Denver, and not legal yet. But it’s a start! :slight_smile: I full expect Oregon to legalize, when they vote.


There is? That’s cool. I can multitask though.

You see, people can’t use illegal drugs for “personal use” if they don’t have the *******! drugs in the first place! Duh???:crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

How do a lot of illegal Drugs get into America? Through the Border. lol.

Let’s recap once again shall we? no illegal drugs available, no people can use them.

What are you afraid of with legalization of drugs? We have plenty of issues with legal drugs, many of which are far more dangerous than the ones people want to legalize.

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Most people don’t understand the various receptors involved with various compounds, so they incorrectly associate the risks of dopamine stimulation with serotonin stimulation.

I know right!? Stupid antibiotics! and ibuprofen that can help get rid of the flu, or things
that 200 years ago could kill a person easily enough! They’re horrible drugs!

Let’s make everything legal, including murder! Owe wait, they already have Abortion.

I’m just curious, when does it ever stop? Legal pot first, then, legal what next?

And what level of discomfort does a person have to have before they should qualify
for “Medical” any drugs? Personally, I would think that if anyone simply has a feeling that they might possibly have pain, then they should qualify, because they should have those “feelings” validated right? lmao!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Sure. They old slippery slope.

I was referring to alcohol and tobacco. As well as the dangers of prescription opioids. Antibiotics and over the counter pain medications can also be quite dangerous if not used correctly.

If you actually look up the CDC report like I just did where your 88,000 number for alcohol comes from you’ll find they include alcohol deaths via traffic accidents, falls, and other impairment based reasons. As such, I can guarantee you that there are many thousands if not more marijuana ones as well. Marijuana is absolutely impairing and has caused many a traffic fatality just like alcohol. Most likely not near as many as alcohol causes simply due to how much more prevalent alcohol use is but there will be some. And any study that does show marijuana related fatal traffic accidents is going to be vastly underestimated due to how difficult it is to detect marijuana. Marijuana impairment can last 8-12 hrs but the detectability time in the blood is only 2-3 hrs from use- marijuana moves to the fat cells of the body from the blood. As such even if they test the blood after a fatal it may not show marijuana despite it still being impairing to that person at the time of death.

I’m for legalizing it but we need to be honest with stats.

Even if every fatal traffic accident were accountable to alcohol you’d still have 40,000 alcohol related deaths. If you have some statistics that show how many marijuana related traffic or other deaths occur yearly, please share.

Are you making an argument that alcohol should be outlawed or that there might be some marijuana related deaths?

I said that there are more almost certainly more alcohol traffic deaths due to prevalence of use. However there are also marijuana caused traffic deaths.

I’m actually for legalizing marijuana. Though I’ve never tried it I feel the law is hypocritical to have marijuana be illegal while alcohol is legal.

As to studies, you can find “studies” that report accident rates all over the map in relation to states that have legalized marijuana. Obviously agendas are at work. However one thing consistent in all of them is that there are marijuana related traffic accidents, its how many that varies. Colorado for instance reported 52 marijuana caused traffic fatalities in 2016 and 35 in 2017.

And as I said those numbers are going to vastly underestimated due to problems detecting marijuana. Its also compounded by the fact that many state labs test for alcohol first and due to expense if they are over the legal limit they don’t do any more testing. As such there are a lot to be a lot of alcohol impaired folks out there who also had other drugs, including marijuana, in their system but didn’t get the drugs tested for. I have made approximately 1000 DUI arrests in my career. I’ve had many ( probably 10%) where the person was over the legal limit for alcohol, usually determined by a breath test, and I also found other drugs in the car. But those drugs were never tested for because the breath test was enough for a DUI. The only time I ever find out about drugs actually in the system is when its a blood test and there isn’t alcohol and in those its very rare to find just one drug, you usually find 3-4 at least as poly drug use seems to be the norm. I can only think of two marijuana only DUI’s I’ve had as the the rest usually have Xanax or some other anti anxiety drug mixed in with them.

I think that most people in general are smart enough to know that mostly any medications taken in excess amounts are in some way bad for you. I think that Fake News, and Democrat Politicians just
want to tell people how to think, and just because they don’t have a lot of common sense, doesn’t mean that the average joe doesn’t have more common sense than they do. lol.

Oh dear lord the irony of that post.

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***“Medicinal Weed/Pot” ***

The people that love weed always justify it not being a drug, because they’re always
***about it being from the earth and natural. ***

My question is…………if it can be sold in pot stores, and there are different pot
plants to smoke available, how do people really know what is going in their weed?

How do they know, that it’s not simply chemicals that they’re putting in their body’s
to brainwash them, and change their brain chemistry to the will of what the Democrat
Politicians truly want?

Changing brain chemistry, while getting someone addicted to an illegal drug(is part of what the Democrat Politicians want),
is actually quite a great strategic tactic. I personally, find it an immoral one though.

It’s because Democrat strategists realize that people will go to great lengths to justify
an addiction. Denial, saying it’s simply for “medicinal” purposes, saying it’s all
natural and not a drug. lol.

I wonder if any of the Democrats ever wonder if illegals drugs are simply anoter way
of controlling peoples minds?

Addiction is a horrible thing.