Legalizing All Illegal Drugs

He’s a big supporter of the federal food and drug administration too. Just like you…

Who is? PurpnGold?

All the progressives…

You never answered - you don’t want the drugs you are prescribed by your doctor to be regulated, tesed, and “safe”?

Sure I do… But, you don’t need the FDA for that. Even your illegal pot dealer does not want to sell bad product or who would come back? And if the FDA is so great why all the drug lawsuits on drug they said were “safe”…

Ok - you don’t need the FDA…let any company produce and market a drug? No thank you. It would be nice if all drugs tested by the FDA were done on very large groups of people, but even what they can do is certainly better than not testing.

Reagan had a war on drugs. Was he progressive?

(i’m off to the dentist soon, so if you have any good points to make, make them now)

So, you want many drugs to be illegal…lol! And I’m sure you are for cracking down on illegal sales of pot…

What drugs do I want made illegal?

You can’t have a war on drugs, if they were not outlawed by progressives in the progressive era…

And Clinton put away a lot of those “super predators” with his legal reforms, which Trump just got over turned…

Lol. Why couldn’t you have a war on drugs if they were not outlawed previously?

Off to the dentist now.

I’m sure that if that is what it takes for Democrat Politicians to be able
to legalize Meth one day, then they will take any route that they have to go.

Medical any kind of illegal drug, is I’m guessing one of the biggest routes
they will take for most drugs.

Methamphetamine is already legal with a prescription.

The brand name is Desoxyn.

So just the natural grown ones legalized, and nothing else?

Congratulations on staying drug-free.

I’m not making any value judgements - its not about whether drugs are “good” or “bad”. Im talking about whether they’re dangerous or not.

It is physically impossible to overdose on psychedelics, and they have a very low danger of dependence.

Good or Bad
Dangerous or Not

I normally clump Dangerous with Bad,
and Not Dangerous with Good for most things in life in general.

It’s easily possible to overdose on most drugs, including psychedelics.
And no, they do not have a very low danger of dependence.

Everyone is different in life. I was one of the lucky few that was able to quit
drugs within a lifestyle that could have easily gotten me killed.

Things like heroin and cocaine are pretty hard to quit.
Things like LSD, and shrooms I would think would be average to quit,
but nothing illegal drug wise is every “Easy” to quit.

Drugs mess with a persons brain chemistry, just as the same
as Depression can. Doing drugs can have so many effects that
most people don’t try and talk about. It can not only be medical,
but it can cause medical issues also. Such as mental health problems
like depression, or even physical issues like Asthma, or damage
an internal organ.

Over 6 billion dollars sold of weed and related products in CO since Jan 2014. At the end of Jan 2019, over 900 million collected in taxes, licensing, and fees. All of that money not going to illicit drug dealers is a shame, isn’t it?

Clinton did look like he was on cocaine half the time.

He had big rings under his eyes when he said that “he did not have
sexual relationships” with Monica.

Then again, didn’t Slick Willy Pardon is drug dealing Brother?

It is a shame, since weed is a gateway drug.

It’s a shame if it destroys even one persons life.

No its not.

No, it isn’t. It’s a shame when anyone’s life is destroyed - by any means.