Legalizing All Illegal Drugs

Think about it this way.

The Democrats want pot/weed to be legal Nation wide.
Now the Democrat Politicians are trying to get Mushrooms a psychedelic drug
legalized. Sooner than later they will try and get all illegal drugs legalized.

They needed a platform to start from. This is what would make sense
logically. They can’t simply make every illegal drug legal tomorrow and
go 0-a million at the drop of a hat. They have to get Americans comfortable
with accepting the idea overtime.

Drugs are like putting a 5 year old on adhd medicine. The responsible
thing would be to be a parent, instead of asking for a pill only. The brain doesn’t
fully stop developing until the age of 25. The younger you put something
into your body that can chemically change your brain chemistry at a younger
age the more chance that it is that child will grow up and have some sort of
addiction. Plus pot is used as a “medicinal” aka excuse now a days.

As for older people, drugs in general still change the chemicals within a persons
mind. So in effect it is a form of mind control and “brainwashing” from the
Liberal Democrat Politicians.

First, no one is talking about giving weed or mushrooms to a 5 year old. Second, I haven’t heard anyone talking about making meth, as an example, legal. So no, not every drug. Brain washing? Please.

Every person I know that has done heroin or other hard drugs started with alcohol, the real gateway drug.

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Chemicals control a Persons mind.

Drugs, have lots and lots of bad chemicals in them.

Do you drink? What are the bad bad chemicals that weed contains?

Yep. This thread is head spinning. You have some saying it’s dems that want to make drugs illegal for “the good of society”. Then you have some saying dems want to legalize all drugs to the detriment of society. Lol.

If alcohol is a gate way drug, do you think that it should be

If it leads to other heavy drugs.


So you think that getting addicting to things like crack, cocaine, Heroin, Meth,
Acid or any other heavy drug is ok then?

I mean if Alcohol is a gateway drug and all.
I’ve personally hear more people first hand tell me that pot was a gateway drug
over alcohol. But you go with your “Liberal Statistics on this one”.

The same statistics that said Trump had like a 2 percent chance in the Primaries in running. The same statistics that even after Trump won the Primaries, said that Hillary was going to Crush him!
The Same Liberal corrupt statistics that told Americans that there was going
to be a huge Blue Wave of Democrats getting elected? lol.

Does anyone wanna know why these Liberal Statistics tell Democrats say what they say? Because most of the Media is so far to the Left/Democrat that even when
they lose trust with the American people for being a trusted source of statistics, they have so many other options, they don’t care as much.

Plus they think that if they put down Trump, and the truth in the U.S. Statistic wise, that
they possibly sway enough people their way to win at something.

No Mr. President Sir. I’m still not Tired of Winning.
Thank you for another win though.

against other Republicans.

Laws limiting our freedom and laws protecting us from ourselves do not further the cause for freedom in this country.

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Are you replying to anyone in particular? Or just venting about liberal statistics?

Portugal has decriminalized ALL drugs for over 10 years and drug use has gone down.

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The US waged a war on alcohol 90 years ago and alcohol use went up and the mob got rich and gained a lot of power.

Now the US is waging a war on drugs and drug use is going up and the cartels are getting rich and gaining a lot of power.

My solution. Legalize marijuana completely. Its harmless next to alcohol so stop wasting resources fighting it. Decriminalize everything else. Don’t make it legal to sell in stores but take all the money we waste criminalizing it and it put into prevention and rehabilitation. Still absolutely punish drug users who commit other crimes but the drug use itself shouldn’t be criminalized any more unless your giving it to kids.


sorta like Political Correctness limits our Freedoms, and Illegal Drugs
Or Abortion being Illegal, Would protect us from ourselves?

And the Dem Politicians want to tare all of those things apart.
Oh wait, they already legalized Abortion, they’re legalizing Pot, and
trying to get more illegal drugs legalized, and Political Correctness has
been going on for quite some many years now.

Things like seat belt laws, helmet laws and drug laws protect us from ourselves and limit our freedom. You should have the right to ride your bike without a helmet (although I think you’d be a fool to do it) and dump your brain all over the highway. I think you should also have the right (again, I think it’s stupid to do it) to fry your brain on drugs. Your body, your rights, the gov’t should be hands off.

Don’t know what abortion and political correctness have to do with my post, other than the fact you like to prattle on about them.

So you don’t like Laws that protect American Citizens from themselves?


How can you be ok with the Socialist Politicians then?

No ■■■■■ I already said that.

What “socialist” laws (and I know you don’t know what socialism really is) protect people from themselves?

So you don’t like Laws that protect American Citizens from themselves?


How can you be ok with the Socialist Politicians then?

You’re not answering my questions.

Quote my whole statement, don’t pick a couple of words. Flagged.