Leftist Violent attacks on Politicians continue-Attempt to Kill Republican candidate

Kind of amazing that Republicans have amnesia from the Obama years



Thanks for showing that this, like so many things cons point to as “evidence” is purely anecdotal and that both sides are cable of dumb stuff.

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Piss and moan about the other sides violent acts today, excuse and ignore your own sides violence tomorrow…same ■■■■■ different day.

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So what drugs are you on?

Which doesn’t change the fact that Ttump literally preaches hate and foments violence against the media every day.

i love when posters think they kill the thread and drop the mic


the deranged left can’t take the ninny republicans now standing up to their ■■■■■■■■

Im not ignoring anything I’m pointing out the “holier than thou” mentality some Republicans have

Do be so defensive, I wasn’t directing that at you. It was nothing more than a general statement that is true of both sides.

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You don’t tell me how to feel you aren’t the boss of me lolol

anyone who doesn’t support Trump is “Fake News” so they are then enemy and his support have acted violently toward them.

but that is okay in your world.

I just had a cold chill run up by spine reading that post, thought you were my wife for a second.

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Nah not the whole of the media…just 80% are the enemy of the people…that was in August…I believe he’s upped the percentage since then

The media isn’t my friend…not by a long shot.

They don’t have the interest of American people. They have their own interest.

They pretty much want open borders. Just let anyone and everyone come over without any checking. Because otherwise it’s racism, right?

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again no one is suggesting they are your friend, people are suggesting Trump is rallying up his supporters to hate his opposition and some of those people have turned to violence.

No no-one in Congress is pushing such a policy.

I would worry about left-wing violence.