Leftist Bully David Hogg Once Again Threatens Ingraham's Sponsors with Boycott

Well played.

Yeah. Hogg is irrelevant. And yet here we are…

I doubt she’d ask him to debate again. Given fragile egos on the right, another rejection would be devastating.

If this is as effective as his shilling for the NRA and booster for firearms sales, Ingraham will come out ahead

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Well except trump himself, who can tweet 50 times a day, play golf every weekend, be embroiled in legal battles with porn stars and still manage to be the most hardest working and effective BESTEST PRESIDENT EVER!

The boy loves the media attention, so everyone should stop giving him some. Let him vent and rage in isolation.

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I’m not the one that’s being triggered by a 17 year old.

try not to make it personal

being critical is not being triggered you can give that bs narrative a rest now.

otherwise everyone who posts anything anywhere is “triggered” and not just when you have no good points to make in a thread

Attacking someone for doing something that you enthusiastically support when you agree with it kinda makes you a hypocrite. It’s a fair point.


I would love to get your opinion when the orange pile of ■■■■ who you support, goes bat ■■■■ crazy over Jeff Bezos. The most powerful man in the entire earth, going after a private citizen and his business. Are you ok with that?


if you really dont like hypocrisy youd be criticizing Hogg, not the lowly unknown poster on the message board due to your personal dislikes

this is what is known a deflection, you do realize right?

It’s called hypocrisy.

Don’t post threads about your political double standards and I won’t feel compelled to point it out.

Watching you guys cry “oh why’s he so mean to her” in between calling him a punk and an economic terrorist is laughable. Especially since she started it by clowning him and got pounded for it.

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You label him a bully, yet call him a “little snot”. You say that he’s “irrelevant”, yet here you are commenting about him. Hypocrite much?

actually dissent founded this country and is about American as you can get.

we get it, you disagree with him, which is also part of being an american


Republicans are cheering as children as young as a few months old are taken from their parents en masse, Ingraham is comparing these internment facilities to summer camps, and yet David Hogg is the bully.

The usual warped, grotesque response from the CEC addled right. There is no reasoning with you people anymore.

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Just think of all the tens of thousands of young voters that are getting registered because of Hogg and that Parkland survivors.

I wonder who they’ll end up voting for?

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:joy: spare us. Your thread about economic terrorism and bullying And “PUNKS” is duplicitous hypocrisy 101. Your only standard for this stuff is whether or not you agree with the person’s politics.

We may have laughed at the Starbucks cup boycott. The Disney boycott. The Krueger coffee machine smashathon ‘17. But I don’t recall liberals here stomping the ground crying about it being unamerican or terrorism.

Why are you criticizing Hogg for doing something so presidential? Is it because you think he should run for office?
“we should boycott Fake News CNN. Dealing with them is a total waste of time!”
-Donald Trump

“If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast. Fire or suspend!”
-Donald Trump

“Boycott Apple until such time as they give that information”
-Donald Trump

“You can boycott our anthem WE CAN BOYCOTT YOU!”
-Donald Trump retweet

“Everyone should boycott Italy if Amanda Knox is not freed”
-Donald Trump

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now… he is fired’?”
-Donald Trump

“Scots should boycott Glenfiddich garbage for not choosing great Olympic & U.S. Open champ Andy Murray over total loser Michael Forbes.”
-Donald Trump

-Donald Trump

“Boycott @Macys
-Donald Trump

“Rolling Stone magazine putting the bomber on the front cover? Boycott!”
-Donald Trump

“Boycott the @megynkelly show.”
-Donald Trump

“Boycott Mexico”
-Donald Trump

“Boycott Chinese products”
-Donald Trump