Leftist Bully David Hogg Once Again Threatens Ingraham's Sponsors with Boycott

Agreed. And I really, REALLY resent the politicization of the NFL, which I blame entirely on Trump.

Neither does Hogg regarding Ingraham, but some posters here seem to be suggesting he’s more influential than the President of the United States is.

I’m sorry but what the lefty Atlantic calls “censoring” isn’t censoring.

The press thinks they should be above criticism and even attack for their errors.

WHY? Are they somehow infallible? All ethical and true? Always correct? Never lie? Never DELIBERATELY LIE?

Trump didn’t call for the press to be shut down or even to be censored, despite the Atlantic’s view. He called for them to be accountable for what they say and the Atlantic doesn’t want them to have to be accountable for what they say. Color me surprised.


Hogg wants Ingraham to be SHUT DOWN and is taking steps to make it happen. No comparison.


You know who else has a despotic bent?

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Well Trump has no influence on any of the team owners, the NFL it’self or it’s advertisers.

Hogg and his Hoggluddite followers have demonstrated an ability to intimidate advertisers and scare them into pulling their support for her show.

If I had to guess, I’d say no more than about 10% of Americans even know who Hogg is.

Basically cable news viewers and those on Twitter. That’s about it. And they are NOT representative of most Americans.


Pathetic. You said “by any means”

One of these things is not like the other.

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Crazy, huh.

If only you knew the Dark Side of the Hogg…

Trying to shut press outlets down because you don’t agree with them is censorship. The FCC agreed and wouldn’t comply

What you’re still FAILING to get is that is simply his OPINION.

If Hogg had said “I think Laura Ingraham is outrageous and should be fired” I would have NO PROBLEM with that.

But he didn’t do that. He instead went to her sponsors and threatened THEM if they did not fire her.

When the President says, “All you NFL sponsors should be boycotted if you do not get the NFL players fired” you get back to me.


And as I just said, I’m quite certain the overwhelming majority of Americans even know who Hogg is.

Trump’s just an average guy suggesting people who agree with him to stop watching the NFL. Hogg on he other hand has the power to destroy Ingraham’s entire career.

I’m no fan of Hogg by any means, but this thread is the crazy train.

There is no conflict. They were most certainly able to intimidate some of the advertiser into pulling out.

Certainly not enough to accomplish his goal but the fact he was able to do that much is a fact.

The only thing I do know from reading this thread is that he’s got more power and influence than the President does.

The other thing I know is I seem to be losing some brain cells reading some of the posts here. :rofl:

fwiw neither am I and yes it is.

Hogg is a teenage economic terrorist with the power to silence a famous pundit working for a billion-dollar corporation.

Except she’s doing just fine so there’s nothing to worry about.

Unless there is?

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I need a drink. Maybe two. Or three.

He’s going to leave her broke and destitute, and the Trump fans won’t be able to watch her every night.

Meanwhile, some schmuck you may have heard of named Donald Trump has openly called for NFL players to be fired because he disagrees with them. No big deal.

You don’t understand, but Trumpists do - teenagers have eerie powers.