Law of unintended consequences: Quarantines can kill people

They dropped the ball too. Why are you giving the President a pass?

Of course you were and still are wrong.

The response is not horrible.

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I havn’t given him a pass.

I’m just not giving any of the others a pass as well. I’m placing the blame further up the stream where it belongs.

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And Trump. His incompetence sure didn’t help

We knew by the end of January that there was person to person transmission…hell it was confirmed in Chicago by then.

So even with China’s lies and WHO’s missteps we had an ENTIRE MONTH to address this spread in the US before we finally took action in mid-March.

China’s lies and WHO’s missteps are IRRELEVANT as they took place BEFORE this monthlong timeline.

So- I ask you again to address THIS timeline.

Awaiting your deflection in 3…2…1…

Greater hazard. Still not proven wrong.

Yes it was. We completely and totally ■■■■■■ up the testing phase

Logistics are a bitch. So did everybody else. Must not be Trump.

They can’t. It destroys their narrative

No they didnt. We had the lowest number of tests conducted the 1st month of any the afflicted countries. Nobody did worse than us

And that’s when the travel restriction was put in place. Immediately after that was figured out. Trump got called racists for starting to take steps.

That again is that 20/20 hindsight. The adminstration gets information, WHO (the so called world experts) are saying one thing. Inteligence didn’t give a single thing that SHOULD be done. They were just giving information that China wasn’t truthfull in their reports.

Now again I’ll ask – where does the US administration turn to for information on how to react to the Virus and what steps to take?

Again, what steps was ANYONE at that time proposing in ANY country? What was WHO proposing during that time?

I am addressing it, and it’s not a deflection.

You and the report you linked are all doing the perfect 20/20 hindsight.

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The part that was Trump’s was that his declaration of a national health emergency not coming until mid-March allowed the red tape and bureaucracy to linger.

It was indeed a systems failure at all levels…of which Trump is a part.

FDA regs. CDC regs.

How many of those were put in place by Trump? How many did he inherit? How many have now been waived by Trump?

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Yes, they did. Everybody had the same testing issues initially, including K-pop.

“Nobody did worse than us”?

Scale. Logistics. Bureaucracy. The System.

Seriously take a pill because TDS is a worse plague on the country then covid19! President Trump is doing a hell of lot better then any previous President to call a NE because of a virus stay focused because “virus” is the key word here. Do some freaking research on H1N1 swine flu!


Where does the CDC get it’s information?

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Was it a national health emergency before mid-March?

Absolutely intelligence was giving Trump information that things should be done.

Only three pieces of intelligence needed…all of which we had by the time Trump instituted the travel ban and then did little else. (He had more, as we have seen, but I will stick with what I KNOW he has because it was public knowledge. WE knew it, so he definitely did).

*The virus was here in several spots- most of them large cities that would be amenable to rapid spread.
*The virus spread person to person- China had admitted this by then and we also had confirmation of this in Chicago
*A small but significant portion of the people who catch the virus require significant medical intervention that can quickly overwhelm a response if enough cases cropped up. We had evidence of this because we all saw China building big hospitals in days…all when they had less than 1,000 cases.

So…I’ll ask again and expect yet another deflection in 3…2…1…

A variety of places. Not just the WHO