Larry Elder concede and suggest the election was rigged, before a single ballot was counted

Noticing a Democrat wearing a racist gorilla mask to mock a black Republican politician is not racist. The wearing of the mask was the racist part.

Yeah… let us not forget that he suggests that a reasonable reaction to his loss would be wink wink nudge nudge violence.

Totally Governor material.

What “insane comment”?

Umm, no. The face of the democrat parry’s is a white woman with a gorilla mask on throwing eggs at a black man. I’m truly sorry I had to explain that one to you, but I guess someone had to since your media failed you.


The out of context meme is what I am talking about.

How is labeling a gorilla “the face of the democrat party” any less racist than the woman wearing it?

Not as bad as there’s nothing in it moment when Biden bragged about the scope of planned voter fraud.

Better than being played by an Instagram poster and glomming on to yet another “Let’s imagine yet another mind-boggingly stupid way to ‘steal elections’ and see if today’s right will run with it” tale.

Looks like today’s right will run with anything. There’s nothing too silly for them to believe if their ears are properly tickled.

Mission accomplished.

I don’t want them to my friend. I want our trusted intelligence agencies to be trusted?

Because the democrat party doesn’t have a race?

That’s not what the meme shows. It shows a white person wearing a gorilla mask.

That’s the problem with out of context memes…

Ammo box!

They will regain trust once they confirm your beliefs and not a moment before.

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As trustworthy of those YouTube sites by anonymous posters where you get your intel?

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I’m not sure she’s “non-hispanica white”

So your deflection is to call cons marks as opposed to actually addressing the issue of holes in the ballot envelopes. Another party over country that will explain anything away if it helps the democrat party. Cool.

Everyone understands it but you, probably because you don’t want to, but whatevs.

I don’t think anyone is conceding “the holes help democrats”

Based on their history of this century, about the same.

It would seem, thanks in no small part to Twitter et al, that claims of election fraud is now a de facto way of life.

Be interesting to see what happens if a republican ever does win again in a blue state.

It’s a shame.

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And according to Elder, neither does he. And yet…

The democrat party has 90% of the black vote… BLM has been labeled the “radical wing of the democrat party”.