Larry Elder concede and suggest the election was rigged, before a single ballot was counted

So your point is to double down on silly.

There’s no “issue” to address.

It’s a fever dream.

A real issue to address is how Elder performed his magical statistical analysis on a vote count that doesn’t exist yet.

And his suggestion that we might have to resort to the “ammo box” because his magic analysis on nonexistent data is likely to be ignored.

Yes…if you are buying into nonexistent issues and ignoring real ones…you may be a mark in a con game.

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What race is the democrat party?

Too young to remember the outrage over dimpled chads?

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Independent journalists, like Andy Ngo are far more reliable today, than the sheople trough MSM.

Which was a poor design and not some grand conspiracy.

Based on that, Florida really changed how it does elections for the better.

Oh Good lord.

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Are you assuming everyone who seems that meme knows the story?

All you see is a gorilla mask, worn by a white person and labeled “the face of the democrat party”

A party with 90% of black people as a part of it.

Apparently that isn’t racist :rofl:

The conditioning is complete how sad every election Repugs lose will be because of “rigged”

Also I sent in my ballot yesterday, you get a large sturdy ballot with two questions that folds into itself…but keep going with the holes!

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But the outrage.

Sure. It will be different if a repug wins in a blue state.

Why does the “democrat party” need a race for a gorilla mask meme claiming “the face of the democrat party” to be racist?

We have to make assumptions just like we have to make assumptions about the woman who wore it… right? I’m ok making assumptions for her actions but conservatives are not ok making assumptions for a meme like this

Prove it.

Well her skin does look white, but I guess she could be Hispanic.

Does that make it any less racist?

It’s in the name.

Yeah, not racist. Nothing racist to it. Black people aren’t even the majority of the democrat party, much less the whole thing.

Absolutely it does. Only white people are racist oppressors.

Neither is BLM yet…

BLM is done dude. Mama got paid.

You think black people are going to be the majority of the democrat party in the future?

How’s that going to work?

Kentucky and Utah are liberal states?

No, they don’t have to be the majority.

That meme just told me that “gorillas” are the face of the party. You can be the face of something without being a majority. You do know that, right?