Largest Monthly may Deficit Since 2009..$1trillion deficits on the way

Thank you for labeling me. That’s what makes you libs so loveable. Your ability to tell people what they are rather than to ask. I will forgive you your ignorance. You have not followed my threads enough to know that I can’t stand republicans. 9 out of 10 times when I comment about republicans, it’s to slam them. I trust neither party. They are both loaded with scoundrels. A lot of people confuse conservatism with republicanism. Do not make this mistake.

That is definitely what’s going to happen (assuming Dems take the house). Otherwise, Dems will be blamed for being an obstructionist minority party. One way or another Dems will be at fault. That’s what America is about.

Honestly. I still can’t believe that anybody here has the gall to claim that their own political party has done a good job on the national debt. I am quite bewildered by this.

Don’t you know deficits only matter when a Dem is president?

You’re not conservative; you’re Republican. I have read plenty. If you’re not a Republican, it’s only becuase they’re not nearly extreme enough, but that’s who you always vote for.

Why else would you try the tired old “both sides are just as bad” when it’s demonstrable that Democrats have a lot better track record at governance and running a budget? Because it makes Republicans look bad and so it’s an attempt at equivocation.

The Tea Party rallies are gonna so HUGE this summer! They have to be.

Believe what you choose .If it helps you to cope with you bitterness then please, believe it. I couldn’t care less.

If the Democrats are tax and spend, then the Republican are spend and make the toddlers figure out how to pay for it in a few decades.

Deficits were decreasing under Obama. trump and gop have full stop and reversed that trendline bigly. ■■■ is wrong with you people. Full employment and good evonomy.

May 2017 at this time in the fiscal year deficit was at $433 billion. In 2018 it has exploded to $532 billion? Why isn’t it continuing downward? All on Republicans.

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There are still too many Deep State Republicans (democrats) who won’t get on board the Trump train to Making America Great Again. They will have to be replaced. But it’s really the Democrats fault because 100% of them are voting against America, while only a small fraction of Republicans are doing the same.

From the Monthly Treasury Report.

May 2017 receipts $240 Billion
May 2018 receipts $217 Billion

Receipts down from last year. Thought those tax cuts brought in so much money??

May 2017 money spent $217 Billion
May 2018 money spent $364 Billion
Spending way way up from last year.

This is all solidly on the GOP. Deficits were declining, GOP explodes both sides of the equation the wrong way.


It’s only his 2nd year though with full employment…give him time!

The economy is about to jump to 8% GDP if you look at the real numbers.

Donlt hold your breath waiting for a response from Tea Partiers, Trumpists, or Republicans on this.

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Its not Trumps fault. He inherited $1.3trillion deficit and 2 wars. Give him some time for crying out loud!

I’m sure these deficits are just Trump’s eleventh dimensiony way of getting the debt paid off in 8 years…

Going to be eleventy dimensional brilliance when he eliminates the debt in 8 years.

6.5 years now, but hey who’s counting. Certainly not the Tea Party.

Beat me to it

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Nothing will validate all of the claims that the tea party was at its core a racist repudiation of having a weird named black dude as president as strongly as their current silence does.


No doubt. Those numbers are bad.

Agreed. Neither party has an ounce of fiscal discipline, They spend like Paris Hilton with Daddy’s credit card. Only you’re Daddy.