Large german firm: no further investments in the US with trump in power

He poses no particular danger to this country unless he decides to confiscate our guns and blame the Jews for all of our troubles.

Screw Würth. :stuck_out_tongue:

Because we don’t have a level playing field.

Good to hear someone else picking up on something I’ve been saying for a decade here.

The value of the USD is strictly based on what foreign investors think of the stability of the nation and the dollar.

When they lose confidence in the US, the USD will crash.

Fortunately so much of the world’s financial transactions go through or depend on US banks, brokerages etc it’s going to take something massive to cause such a run.

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That makes no sense.

NYC is the financial capital of the world.

I’d say the “screw king” is screwing himself. Good…maybe a US firm will now build the screws for the industries that were buying them from this German firm and create more good jobs here?

Wurth is a country? Oh and I hate to break it to you but the dollar is currently very strong and the bond market is doing fine. Treasury yields are the highest they’ve been in years. Obama was the one who needed the fed to buy them, not Trump. The chief worry with him at the helm is inflation.

More like meaningless anecdotal evidence.

Hmm. Who to trust more? A billionaire industrial titan, or a random internet poster with a history of not knowing much about financial markets?

I think we all know who to trust here…and it ain’t you.

Who can say if it was something specific or a general sense of things? Given Würth’s statement regarding the “general, uncertain political situation” it sounds like he’s less than convinced about Donald’s status as a stable genius.

Just gonna leave this here…from May 2018:

Their loss…

By current lib standards, this now makes you a Nazi.:sunglasses:

What sane foreign business owner would want to do business in the US with an unhinged person in the White House?

Then let him eat the cost of NOT doing business in America. We don’t need his stinking fasteners. We can make our own.

It’s BETTER if we do!


If I’m not going to let a German industrial oligarch tell me what to think about my President, then who can I trust to tell me about my President?

Sounds like foreigners attempting to influence American politics. When is Mueller going to indict them?

The 7th of Never.

You have to figure if he can make this kind of move he really didn’t need the money all that much.