Laphonza Butler

Look like she owns a property in California but is registered to vote in Maryland. She lived in California and moved to Maryland due to her work with Emilys List.

Not sure carpetbagger is the right term. A carpetbagger is someone who seeks political office in an area that they have no connections with. Butler (and this may be wrong) lived and worked in California from 2009 until 2021. Is
12 years sufficient to lay down roots and connections?

Not sure what connections Oz had to PA but if he had lived there previously for 12 years and only been put of PA for a couple of years I would not classify him as a carpetbagger. YMMV.

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I think she has been in the Newsom circle for quite a while. Rewarding loyalty. Rewarding family. This is how politics works. Yawn.



It doesn’t matter. Apparently, it’s legal. It was fun to see the defense rally to the cause.

It’ll be fun bringing up this thread when carpetbaggers or party over country is ever brought up again too. :smirk:




That’s some unfortunate cleavage.


University regent boards are full of well connected and entitled democrats. It’s a perfect pick from Newsome another old family elite entitled Democrat. It’s amazing how far the dems have moved from the working class

It’s perfect we have to pretend she lives here… Fake residency!! lol

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And rightfully so. He’s a bad picker.

Figured that one would strike a funny bone or two. I liked @SixFoot ’s Senator Cerebral too. :rofl:


You’re supposed to do this before being selected.

Maybe she’ll get better now that she is 'officially" in DC.


She changed her facebook status.


Oh for ■■■■■ sake why are pols and wannabe pols so ■■■■■■■ stupid.

Who in their right mind tries to erase information that is all over the interweb?

This just draws more attention to it. They deserve all the criticism they are getting.

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The optics!

My eyes!!!

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Yep. Dems have lost a lot of working class support. But even when Dems prospered from the working class, they rarely, with a few exceptions, appointed or ran a working class person. Same with Republicans. It just don’t work like that.

I wonder how she is able to afford so many homes… It’s great being connect to US politicians. So easy to get rich…

Yep. Supremes too.

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Yes, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the queen of that…



Wonder if Schiff just throws in the towel.

No way he beats her. Lee might.

You have power. You use it. And others use your power to gain it for themselves.

The hemorroidal outrage machine of the Right and the vapors, fainting couch outrage of the Left would be better served by wincing wryly at such stuff and just focus on finding leaders who are marginally competent.

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