Laphonza Butler

The Maryland residence will come in handy while she does Senate stuff AND raises a kiddo with her dear partner.


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I lived in California so I could be the senator.


It’s all about ideology and the right check boxes. This has nothing to do with California, or he would have chosen… you know… an actual Californian.


Carpetbagging is cool as long as they’re also carpet munching. :rofl:


Not like California isn’t in peak condition with all the homelessness and crime.

Best viewed from Maryland.


Gee, she won’t even have to move that far. Perfect.

The most important thing is she’s black and gay.

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Now if she is articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking, I mean, that’s a storybook, man.


Babs Bee gets it.


Butler just announced she will NOT run for election for a full term.

Wasn’t that the whole point in the first place?

Although it probably would have been pretty funny if she’d announced she was running.

Told you. A Ukrainian just won Miss Japan. :rofl:

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She looks (like the type to think she is) Japanese to me. :wink:

Race is fluid.

She’s a Japanese citizen representing her country, not her race. In America, we have citizens of many races run in pageants, don’t we?

isn’t that what Elizabeth Warren said? :wink:

Yes, race is fluid.

A freakin’ beauty contest, and even that boils down to race here. Y’all are so predictable and never let me down when I need a few laughs.

Race is fluid.