Klobuchar ending campaign

Wrong. Warren is doing her part for the party keeping Bernie’s vote total down. She has no chance and if she were in Bernie’s camp she’d get out now. Along the way she’ll amass enough delegates to put herself on the ticket, and since she’s in Bernie’s good graces, the riots will be kept to a minimum.

they’re right

Agreed, if she wanted Bernie’s VP slot she’d get out of the race. She is doing a Ted Cruz, hoping Bernie flames out and she inherits his voters.

Warren has said all along she wants it to be a three-way race between her, Bernie, and Biden. She is hoping to play a game of delegates, and sneak in to the nomination.

lol… she’s ensuring Biden wins and putting out a marker. In a 3 way race between them, Biden wins easily, She’s not stupid, she knows that.


I don’t know. I’ve got no dog in this fight.

You’ve already turned on Gabbard.

Amy has 4 more guaranteed years in the Senate. She should stay there and vote like a Dem.

Would be a good pick.


its the delegates. after tues, she’ll be a distant 3rd. makes the difference between Bernie having close to a 200 delegate lead or only around 100. With only 100 or so, Biden catches him by the end of the month. 200? likely not

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Is she still running? Is she a woman?

We’ll talk Wednesday.

When it gets to Biden, Bloomberg, and Sanders it will be tough for any of them to back off.


No, you said there goes the women and minorites. Women are still in it.

And Dems do?

24 more hours. You are the party of old white men. Two.

At least we had younger people, and women, running.

we did too last time. worked out great!

And will nominate an old white man.

She’s doing the right thing for the sake of the party as she was never going anywhere to start with. She wasn’t even likely to win her own home state.

Time for the rest to do the same and let Bernie and Joe battle it out but Bloomers’ ego won’t let him do so.