Kimberly Guilfoyle paid $60K for a less than 3 minute speech

I don’t care much for crooked and crazy which is why i dislike Brandon so much.

Might throw Piglosi and a few more in there too.


That raises a question. Are people typically paid for convention speeches? It seems to me that, in that particular venue, people are there because they want to be and believe in the cause.

On the other hand, if you have a bunch of donations that you want to launder, it makes sense.

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$60 Large for yapping around three minutes ya say?
Good work if you can get it.
But that’s chump change compared to pro sports contracts. Ball players getting paid millions to produce zilch.

I love Bobby Bonilla’s deal. He could drop dead and his estate still gets a check for over a million bucks until 2035!
His agent should be running the Fed fer crissakes!

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Interesting, not a single football player on the list. I’d think Brock Osweiler’s deal would be up there. Now we’ll see what happens with Deshaun Watson.

Edit: something else I just noticed - Andrew Wiggins is on the list. He’s actually been earning that money of late ! :slight_smile:

Yep. “We” have seen this before and I don’t like it from either side but it’s being done.


You got us. We won’t vote for Kimberly Guilfoyle for anything, now!


People gave money to support election fraud claims.

Trump gave that money to his family and friends.

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Will you vote for the guy that took money from his supporters to supposedly investigate election fraud and instead gave that money to Kim?

Did that money come from supporters who gave the money to a PAC that didn’t exist?

Of course. They’re not Kim Guilfoyle, after all!

Lock her up!

Lock her up!

Lock her up!


No…it came from bankrupted, retired Americans where when the law was changed in 1999, allowed Goldman Sachs to make high risk loans, package them, rate them themselves and then sell them to unsuspecting investors who lost their life’s savings. So if you’re applying a lib standard, which one is worse?

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Why would anyone lock up Kim? She was paid to do a job.

But the fact that the money was collected from people who wanted to investiate the 2020 election, that is a problem.

Why is that a problem, did you contribute?



You are losing the plot.

Here, let’s try this -

Imagine people gave money to HRC to investigate the 2016 election.

And the PAC that they sent money to didn’t existing.

And HRC used that money to hire Chelsea’s boyfriend to give a 2 minute speech.

What would you say about that?

We should only be concerned about things that directly affect us…

The rule of law means nothing.

Is this another Rove indicted thread?


Dude…your post proves your principals are in the gutter.


I haven’t read anyone claim Kim was indicted. Did I miss something?

Did you give money to Trump’s Defense Election Fun?

Ironic post is ironic.

Who was Hillary’s Vice Chair in the Clinton Foundation? Why do you only have one eye open?

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