Kid flashes white power symbol at Nashville rally

I posted a video of the Circle Game being played by the kids from Malcolm in the Middle.

As was explained in the thread, it was only 2017 when people tried associating the sign with racism. It’s more a troll than anything else.


Whities are always stealing our ■■■■■

He never was a racist. That is made up fantasy by Trump-haters.

you’re not even going to try? pathetic.

Wait till they become a minority and steal your victimhood.

I wish I had some victimhood, but my parents wouldn’t ever let me be. So I gotta do the adulting thing.

You already posted unsupported and deceptive rants about Trump. You will just continue to do that if I post the whole truth… not just snippets out of context and actions that you would dismiss as old and irrelevant if your political heros were accused of them.

I actually think we’re moving forward. When we elected a black man as president for two terms, it set the hair on fire for many racists in this country. They’re more angry now than ever. They know this “melting pot” of a country is moving on without them and they’re mad about it.

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just wait till you become a minority and you can really play that victimhood card.

Hispanics out number non-hispanic whites in California. I don’t really feel like a minority though.

I wonder why that is?

White privilege.

I guess you missed out.
You DID get your Nikes though, didnt you?

There’s been a fire sale on those this weekend.

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Probably to specifically persecute you.

I buy Walmart opposed to buying overpriced … anything.

A fire sale? Oh… yeah… I saw some pictures a few years ago of fire sales in Baltimore after Freddie Gray killed himself.

I was trying to make a joke referencing people burning their Nikes in protest.

You took it to a really disturbing place.

Walmart. I was there just yesterday.
