Kid flashes white power symbol at Nashville rally

That’s not why he was removed.

He may have been trolling the camera. He may have been saying “its cool I’m up front here at a big rally”. Unless asked, no one knows what he meant.
“OK” is exactly the sign someone in his condition might have used in 1960.

Context matters.

As the ADL says:

But you are the OP. So what you are saying is that you, as the OP, have declared the A-OK sign to be a White Power sign. and we are supposed to accept that absurdity???

You seem to be the only one with their head in the sand. :roll_eyes:

Its a troll they want you to call them racist so they can throw it back at you.

And no one except a dyed in the wool Trump-hater would care.

Yeah. I know. 4chan trolls make our trolls seem like reasonable people.


His stripes changed since 2014? (Birtherism)

When did he denounce his comments/actions about the Central park 5?

Does anyone remember when people were saying that drinking milk was code for white power?

No one authorized anyone to evolve and change language but it does.

Language and communication is ever evolving. Words and symbols that were once acceptable are no longer. Words take on different meanings as does symbolism.

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For 30-40 years I’ve kind of felt that the racists were fighting a losing battle. They seen stronger than ever now though. I think we’re going in reverse.

It seems they feel emboldened for various reasons but I wouldn’t say we’re going in reverse. I don’t think more people are racist, I think racists are louder and perhaps getting smarter about spreading their garbage.

When the woman behind Kavanaugh at the hearing made this symbol with her hand, it seems obvious to me that she did so inadvertently. The victory for racists wasn’t her gesture, it was our reaction to it and the media attention it got.

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Yup. We don’t change our language patterns because Merriam-Webster changes definitions, Merriam-Webster changes definitions because we change our language patterns.

I would be interested in knowing how often I inadvertently make that symbol throughout the day. I can’t say it’s zero, but that would be my guess.

My grandpa was casually a racist in many of the ways Trump is, but my great grandpa was not rich so he didn’t have much authority to suppress people.

I know what you’re saying, but I always come back to the same thing. There were tons of white people who marched with the civil rights leaders, helped with the bus boycott, gave their lives to get equal rights for black people. This was happening at the same time Trump was faking bone spurs to get out of serving his country, and before he was labeling applications by black people with a “c”, so he wouldn’t have black tenants. The toxic nationalism that leads him to think anyone from latin America or Africa is inferior is one thing, but I don’t excuse old people racism just because.

It’s only because of the good people from his era that I can be with my fiancee. If the 60s were full of only Trumps and his clan, we wouldn’t have loving and it would be a different world.


And a few extremists on the internet, on both sides, are not the final arbiters of our language or symbols.

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I have no idea what a White Power symbol is.
It looked to me like he had arthritis of the hand.

What about chocolate milk? Whose power does that signify? As a half black person I feel like it should be us, but the Mexicans and arabs might be willing to fight us over it!

Chocolate milk is awesome. White people get to have that kind of milk too. Because of white privilege.

I see kids still doing that sign like we did in school 40 years ago. If you look at it when they flash it they get a free shot at you. I always thought it stupid but still see it in. It was usually done down low so it was obvious you moved your eyes.