Kentucky passed Voter ID law, when all deparnment that offer ID are currently closed

No, it was dismantled because the blue states refused to provide the data.


There isn’t a voter fraud issue in this country.

Personally, I don’t have a problem with voter id laws. As long as we make it as easy as possible for voters to get an id and we give enough notice for people to be able to obtain their id.

My biggest problem with voter id is that Rs are using this non existent voter fraud to scare people into thinking it is necessary. They’ve created a boogie man that doesn’t exist.

Well that isn’t true. We know it exists but without Voter ID it’s almost impossible to catch.

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You happen to be the poster child of the result of the boogie man created by the GOP.

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Uh didn’t trump investigate for a year or so?

Many people in New York don’t drive and thus have no drivers license.

Yep its pretty tight.

35 states participated, no fraud.

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Then you don’t KNOW, you THINK.



Dats wite. In everything else, mankind has fraud but in this one area…we be perfect…amirite? :sunglasses:

No your not.

Thanks for agreeing but it sure took ya long enough :sunglasses:

Sorry but your still not right.

According to the site.

1,277 instances of fraud
1,102 convictions.
So nope not a problem.

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…and it’s good to see you. It’s been a while.

What that proved is it’s existence. So first…you’re full of ■■■■■ Now this needs to be fully examined, by 3rd party, non-politically affiliated professionals.

1,277 instances of fraud
1,102 convictions.
So nope not a problem. The system works.

Oregon has been doing mail in voting for over two decades. We have been doing absentee voting…which is voting by mail (and no you don’t have to show up at the courthouse to get your ballot…you can apply for the ballot online or via mail and you get it via mail) forever…no evidence of fraud.

There is zero evidence…ZERO EVIDENCE…that voting by mail is rife with fraud or the potential for fraud.

For once.

So stop just repeating talking points.