Kentucky couple fit with ankle monitors, placed on house arrest, for refusing to sign quarantine documents

Makes sense

I agree. It isnā€™t bad. But how do you enforce that? Also, if this ankle bracelet becomes a thing, how many people are going to be eager to get tested?

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Has it been presented that way?

Apparently not enough for entitled/selfish people to wonder whether there might be justifiable reasons to mask up even if it didnā€™t benefit them directly.

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Locally, yes. Thatā€™s my experience. Maybe other NNErs can confirm or deny. NH and VT have no mask orders, but most people are wearing them, probably because weā€™re already aloof and non-gregarious, and it dovetails neatly with the regional variant of secularized puritanism.

(Thereā€™s a specific Home Depot I wonā€™t go to because there are a lot of people who go there, for whatever reason I canā€™t ascertain, who are performative about mask antipathy. The mgr walked right past as a man was berating me for giving in to the 666 mark, and Bill Gates something something darkside, and why did I worship Satan. It stands out because it sticks out.)

Nationally, the narrative is broken. Cannot say if there are people whoā€™ve made this argument, but whose voices have been drowned out by the posture-takers.

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Well, there you go.

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Fauci broke it.

Liberty or death. :wink:

COVID may take our lives, and the lives of everyone around us, but it will never take - OUR FREEBERTY!

If libs were really concerned about the virus they would have been raising hell with the rioters to quit spreading it but they were silent as the Tomb.

They are just playing political games with the virus.


Iā€™m a little surprised that libs want to give Trump even more power, but they always go running to the same source every time they want something done for them.

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Good lord. She tested positive for covid-19.

Must be kept away from the general public.


Liberty to spread covid.

No. No. No.


Yeah yeah yeah, jail them for upsetting a lib, I know. lol

Such ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  Liberals have no problem whatsoever with firearm databases and registrations under the guise of safety.

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There are already parts of the world who will not let US citizens enter because the nation let COVID get out of control within its borders. Canada and the EU are 2 that come to mind

Cool beans, letā€™s do that here and be just like them. What kinds of databases and tracking systems would you like the Anti-Virus Act to include for your neighbors?


an ankle bracelet does the job quite nicely.


Thatā€™s what all the little dictators say. :wink:

The kind to prevent the wanton spread of the virus.

One only needs to look at the raising deaths in Texas for proof of what happens when the virus goes unchecked.
