Kentucky congressman disinvites AOC to visit coalminers (4-17-2019)

those are two strong women you just mentioned.

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Women with voices and opinions.


and just like that, all the posts in the thread are about lil ol me.

Its like being invited to a party, you RSVP. only to find out later there were stipulations to the invite that were placed 2 weeks later.



yeah. weird.

Its that you dot understand the situation.

AOC called Barr’s bluff and now he changes the game from poker to go fish.


No - it’s that the posters having no recourse in the argument and so go personal. it’s ok i’m used to it

please show where she was “disinvited”

fyi - you havent yet

Placing conditions on on unconditional accepted invitation is a disinvite.

you dont like the verbage. tough.

he is leonard pitts Jr. take.


that’s not a “disinvite”

he outright said the invitation still stands.

is he banking on her not apologizing? if she did, the hosted visit would still take place.

if she were “disinvited” there would not be a hosted visit no matter what.

you can post all the articles about how not to “mess with the AOC” you want it wont matter

your op, and the idiotic opinion article in it, is completely false

unconditionally like the original invite?

that does not stand hence the term disinvite.


nah. putting a condition on an invite is not disinvite.

i understand that you have to maintain that weak semantic trick to save face from posting a false OP

double on down with the falseness

Why are you defending these jackwagons?

the original unconditional invitation that was accepted by AOC was rescinded (if that term is better for you). It was replaced by a conditional invitation that AOC rejected. is that clear enough for you?


Uncivil post complaining about uncivil Congresspeople noted yet again.

Please don’t stop!

nothing was rescinded. you’re still just playing tricks with the semantics


The original unconditional invite was rescinded (canceled) replaced by a conditional invite 2 weeks later.

It was a punk ass move by the congressman.


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there was no “cancel” (rescind) then “replace” of the invite

Seems pretty straightforward to me.

And I was curious so I read what prompted trhebcall for an apology. If that requires an apology before the visit then Barr doesn’t belong in politics. I hear worse every day during campaign season.

not everyone can be as smart as sarah palin.


Barr the Coward is now TM’s hero… lol