Kentucky congressman disinvites AOC to visit coalminers (4-17-2019)

Its not about him he’s just the example I chose to use. I’m simply using his behavior as a gauge for whether Barr is really upset about incivility or whether this is an isolated incident. It does not appear that Barr has a real pattern of calling out high-profile politicians on their civility, which is proof enough of the partisan game he is now playing.

One of the things we’ve learned is who is willing to defend republicanism at all costs regardless of how petty it digs itself in. We’re also learning about consistency and the lack thereof.

He decided to place a condition on the invite so the initial invite no longer stands, as it had no condition.

As far as I’ve always been aware accusing others of trolling has been against the terms of service of this website for some time. Fair warning.


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he outright said the invite still stands as i showed earlier, with a quote

show us where there was a “disinvite” pls


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He outright said the invite is now conditional as I showed earlier, with a letter directly from Barr.

Changing the conditions of the invite, for whatever reason, is rude. Consider that in that 2.5 weeks, she could have already been making travel plans under the initial conditions.

This isn’t “you slaughtered half your people, so I’m cancelling my trips to your country” to a ruthless dictator.

This is “you were a meanie head to my best fwend” to a political adversary.

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Show us where Barr has a pattern of insisting upon civility among the rest of his political colleagues, threatening to withhold southern hospitality and good faith until your demands are met.

If you invite me on an all-expenses paid vacation, but later decide I’m going to have to cover some meals, or transportation, or fees, then the conditions of the invite have changed and you shouldn’t be upset that I decide to vacation on my own terms because I’d rather not real with whatever petty nonsense has come up to cause the change in the invite.

childish reduction

she needs to be reigned in by some adults. sounds like he is taking that on since senile useless pelosi is too afraid

And there is what it was really all about. It only took 150 posts and 4 days to get there, but we did it! Thanks!


you are welcome i am glad you finally acknowledge that she needs to grow up and barr requesting an apology may help her do so

Yes, Barr does owe her an apology, for overreacting to a innocuous political jab and for rudely changing the conditions of the invite.

Remember, Barr’s buddy, Crenshaw, started this whole thing by going after Omar. Crenshaw started it, and AOC came to her defense, and it wasn’t really uncivil. It was quite appropriate to ask how you can invoke 9/11 against a colleague in congress while also not putting your full support behind support for the victims of 9/11. And given the rise of domestic terrorism, which is something I was talking a lot about back during the primary season in 2015/2016, Crenshaw hasn’t exactly shown leadership.

At best, Barr could have shown his consistency by also demanding an apology from Crenshaw, who started that whole thing. Barr is no better than AOC in this regard because they both just came to the defense of a friend, and both in really mild ways. But if what AOC did was uncivil, then so were Crenshaw and Barr both. Many apologies are owed, that is to say, if we want to remove partisanship from the equation and apply consistency and principles.

■■■■ Barr and ■■■■ Crenshaw… You are not allowed to claim victimhood while stir the poop pot

“uncivil” or not, again, is a matter of opinion

barr felt an apology was warranted. i agree

when she does, visit goes on. if she refuses then it’s just another immature dem finger in the eye of cooperation.

regardless, invite is still there. if she’s adult enough

or not too busy dancing

Barr is a spineless jerk why are you defending him

Be specific-what did she say that was out of line?

Of course you do. You hate AOC, so you agree with someone trying to stick it to her is no surprise.

She’ll visit without Barr, and it will likely mean less egg on his face. He knew the visit wasn’t going to be a plus for him.

I don’t believe this will go down how you think it will.

Crenshaw, if anyone, owes an apology.

No, the conditions of the invite have changed. It has strings attached. It’s no longer the invite she was initially offered.

But we really don’t need to proceed further. You’ve already revealed your partisan motive, so there’s no sense in going through the motions beyond your admission that you really just wanted someone to “reign her in.”

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can you show barr was looking for a way out of the invite he made? no

this is all leftist media narrative based on unfounded opinion, and her snarky juvenile tweets that she’s so “feared”


when people start making posts like that it makes me think they are afraid of women.

or maybe women in positions of power.

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