Kari Lake to head "Voice of America"

They reach an audience of 350 million listeners. I’m betting they would disagree with your assessment! :wink:

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But what is VOA providing that other broadcasters either on radio or the internet are not?

I actually like their online site and have bookmarked it but because I like it should US taxpayers fund it.

This is fascinating reading and gave me more insight into what VOA does as part of the US Agency for Global Media.

Anyone who is against funding of NPR should also be against funding of VOA.

They aren’t even remotely the same. :roll_eyes:

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Audience. We know VOA reaches 350 million. You’ve provided no information on the others.

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Why not? Both provide content for consumption by the public.

I am not saying that VOA is a bad thing just should it be funded by the American taxpayer. In what way does the US taxpayer see a return on their dollars?

VOA is unique throughout the world.

NPR is just another LIB mouthpiece in the US. NPR can survive just as with any other news network in the US, through advertising.

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What makes VOA different or unique? Because everything i am reading and the audio i have listener to is not unique. What am I missing?

And even if its unique why does the American taxpayer have to foot the bill?

How many outlets reach that kind of an audience worldwide?

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I have no idea but thats not the point. Why does the American taxpayer have to foot the bill for this? What is the value to America? What benefit does it bring?

I have asked the same question repeatedly yet you want to avoid answering it.

I fully understand that you have no use for this sort of thing. Thank God you have no say. :astonished:

You’ve never watched MsNbc or CNN if you think no one full of hate.

In fact a number of woke libs on here full of it.

No reason at all to hate Kari Lake who seems like a very pleasant Lady.

But I thought the majority of the right did not want America to be the worlds policeman. Americans are not responsible for the mission statement of the USAGM.

Its a cold war hangover that the taxpayer does not need to be burdened with.

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As I stated earlier. Thank God you have no say! :wink:

America is unique and uniquely blessed.
Don’t you want people and the World to know about it?

Those attacks have nothing to do with Migration.
911 was an attack of the same kind in America.
NOTHING to do with Migration.

Propaganda is always associated with someone’s attempt to lure people into their view of the World in order to overcome them in some way.
Chinese or Russian Propaganda offers nothing to the listener for the listener’s benefit.
VOA offers hope and vision which is followed by American people feeding half of the World and shedding dollars without expecting anything, only a thank you.

You are all over the place. You said nobody is climbing the walls to get to Russia. Of course they are.

This is absolutely not true.

Both Chinese and Russian offers a different point of view. A kind of hope. Just because it’s not something you hope for or it’s not something that appealed to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t offer benefit.

The only people doing it are Muslims to blow up a place or escapees from the law in America.