Kari Lake to head "Voice of America"

Now here’s an interesting pick.

Have we ever seen our media concern itself about a president’s pick for VOA?

But now we should be "concern that the outlet could be used by the federal government as a megaphone to push pro-Trump propaganda around the world. "

Pro-Biden propaganda? OK.
Pro-Obama propaganda? OK.
Even Pro-Bush propaganda. Yawn.

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Does Lake even want this job? Seems kinda boring, if I’m being honest.

VOA is a propaganda channel. It was specifically designed that way. Any concerns over propaganda is really just Perl clutching and slow news day nonsense

She has a career as a broadcaster. Doesn’t make it interesting. It makes her a good choice.


Only if it is a Trump pick! :rofl:


I agree that Kari Lake is a good choice for VOA.

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She actually has the experience for this. Quite honestly I did not even think VOA was still a thing until this story surfaced a few weeks ago.

The media knows any discussion of his picks will get clicks but in all my years of following US politics never seen a doscussion over who has been chosen to lead VOA.

I have to wonder if VOA is even still needed today.

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My understanding is that it reaches a global audience of almost 350 million people.

I read that as well but I am not sure what purpose it serves today ans is the cost justified. What would happen if VOA ceased to exist?

With the exception of N Korea We are no longer living in a world where people are locked behind a wall of silence where the radio transmissions from VOA was the same only way to find out what is happening in the world.

I do hope this continues under Lakes leadership.

An essential guarantee of the journalistic credibility of Voice of America content is the “firewall” enshrined in the 1994 U.S. International Broadcasting Act. The firewall prohibits interference by any U.S. government official in the objective, independent reporting of news, thereby safeguarding the ability of our journalists to develop content that reflects the highest professional standards of journalism, free of political interference. USAGM reforms contained in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2017 maintained the longstanding statutory firewall language protecting the professional independence of VOA and all other USAGM journalists. The firewall ensures that VOA can make the final decisions on what stories to cover, and how they are covered.

that many people still use VOA?


its audience is about 100 people. (maybe and thats a high guess)


A simple Google search shows the audience to be close to 350 million. You are welcome to provide a link showing the number is closer to 100 people.

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You think only US Democrats try to censor and silence dissent. China, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and others all do this to their populations to varying degrees. VOA was aimed at these countries.

But with the exception of North Korea, internet etc is quite freely available in these countries.

I am still trying to figure out what value VOA brings to the US. Is VOA really needed today?

No, it’s not. Not in China, not in Russia. I don’t know about Venezuela or Cuba.

China has over 1 billion internet users and VPNs are used widely.

Russia internet usage

If cons dont want America being the worlds policeman why would they want America to spend millions of dollars each year providing news to other countries. Let private business fill that role.

Keep VOA/scrap VOA I do not really care but still struggling to figure out why it is needed today.

The internet is available in those countries, but it’s heavily censored and restricted. I assume you know this.

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Definitely not Cuba.

Yes and VPNs are easily available and widely usef.

Do you really think VOA doesn’t include internet programing?

VPNs are illegal in China, and less than a third of the population has access to them.

is it Americas responsibility and the US taxpayers responsibility to provide them with news?

And despite that 2019 story VPNs are still regularly used.