Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

Lol …


He said spouse and use his/her.

Nothing wrong with expecting a spouse not to embarass each other.

Last thing I want to do is embarrass my wife with my actions.

Its crazy the way some see hidden messages in everything. Then again we know the cult of maga has deep roots in the tin foil hat world.



The message is clear, he needs to control his woman!

What would I want more on the Supreme Court

  1. A justice who would deny his wife freedom of speech
  2. A justice who’s not afraid of embarrassment

no brainer there.


I think I’m going to ■■■■ with alll the liberals minds in my neighborhood. I’m going to fly 2 flags

  1. Trump
  2. BLM

Like when someone flies an upside-down flag and people get all riled up assuming that person supports stop the steal… because some news outlet told them what to think.


Oh I agree, the whole flag issue is a bit insane.


I don’t know how old you are or how long you’ve been married, but the consequences for embarrassing your wife is several orders of magnitude greater than the consequences for her embarrassing you. :wink:


Just for added effect, fly them both upside-down. :wink:


When it’s down to beating a dead horse, all that’s left is to try helping the beater see the futility of the effort.


You know I find it odd that the very same people who are getting their panties in a bunch over a flag flying at someone’s house support this person kneeling during the national anthem.

Everybody needs to take a chill pill. During 2020, Judge Alito voted along with almost every other judge in America not to even attempt to overturn the 2020 election results, finding no evidence of fraud.

No, seriously, go look it up. Then let’s have a rational discussion about free speech.

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You know what I want?” the justice’s wife said to the woman, Lauren Windsor, who secretly recorded the conversation during a black-tie event last week at the Supreme Court. “I want a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag because I have to look across the lagoon at the Pride flag for the next month.” But Ms. Alito said that after she suggested the Sacred Heart of Jesus flag as a retort to the symbol for L.G.B.T.Q. rights, her husband said, “Oh, please, don’t put up a flag.

She said that she had agreed, for now, but that she had told him that “when you are free of this nonsense,” “I’m putting it up and I’m going to send them a message every day, maybe every week. I’ll be changing the flags.”

This is why you don’t jump and down and assume.

I have no love for Alito’s politics but She clearly has a thing with flags that he doesn’t share.

If he wasn’t so weak in controlling his woman he wouldn’t have these problems!


Is she a supposed impartial jurist on the countries highest court?


Is Mrs. Alito?

The flag was flying at the Alito home, of which the justice is a member. Hence the outcry.

Yes, yes, we know, he should control his woman better. This is what happens when you go around wearing robes instead of pants; no belt!


1000+ posts boils down to “she should occupy her time making sandwiches”.