Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

Funny. Nobody connected that flag to Jan 6 until a couple of days ago when it became politically advantageous to do so. San Francisco flew that flag for decades and now, all at once, it is anathema.


Just another example of the mental disorder of libbism.

“The silicon chip inside her head
Gets switched to overload” (I Don’t Like Mondays. Boomtown Rats.)

A little histoire and topicality:
In April 1776, the Massachusetts State Navy adopted, as its flag (naval ensign), a white field charged with a green pine tree and the motto “An Appeal to Heaven.” In 1971 the motto was removed, and the flag was designated “the naval and maritime flag of the Commonwealth”.
Oops, do the Oblahmas know this? :crazy_face:

And funny they did not connect the good ol’ Stars and Strips with the January 6 riot too.

Maybe they get to that during the Republican Convention. Their will undoubtedly be lots of American flags on display there. :wink:

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I took a few days off from this kerfuffle because nothing new was being said… but now we have some interesting information: the texts and police record are telling in that they shred Alito’s initial excuse.

But I particularly am amused by Alito’s assertion that he has no influence over his wife’s love of flags.

One the flags that flew above the Alito residence was the banner of the Philadelphia Phillies – total innocuous of course.

Now, Justice Alito has been very vocal of his life-long love for the Phillies, even suggesting that he has worn a Phillies jersey under his robes, and stating that managing the Phillies is the only job that could tempt him off the court.

All well and good, but does anyone here find it credible that Justice Alito has no influence over his wife’s choice of flags?

Do you have a life? Taking time off it investigate what flage a SC justice likes to fly?

I fly the Seattle Seahawk flag but have no say about my wife flying a 49 flag.

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Let it go. You’re becoming boring. :neutral_face:

Give it time. The media is far from done thinking for the rubes.

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Of course I did, part of why I absenting myself from this thread for a while.

Do you care to talk about the issue or do you have to make this all about me?

Interesting that both responses to me today have been personal attacks. So we are back to where we were a few days ago. No one is willing to address the issue itself; are personal attacks all you have?

Nothing personal. The fact is, you have had nothing new to say here for days. i.e. you’re boring.

You researching what flags he exhibits is about the subject. You brought it up, if you didn’t want it laughed at it you shouldn’t have posted it.


Americans need to stop being so wishy washy over a stupid piece of cloth. I don’t care what people do with the flag, and don’t care if they want to fly a Nazi or Confederate flag either

If you had something to say about the actual issue, you would say it.

I stayed out of this thread for a few days and returned when I had new matters to discuss. Your unwillingness to engage on those issues demonstrates just how weak the defense of Justice Alito is.

I did

But you decided to whine about our rebuttal to you taking days off and you coming back with flying a football flag as your proof he had something to do with another flag his wife flew. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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■■■■■■■■■ You had nothing new over the last several days that you were posting before your little break … and you still don’t. Booooring.

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No thanks


I have so many opinions on this!!! :smirk::upside_down_face: