Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

The ugly part always comes out in purely emotional arguments. In this judges case "she needs to shut up, get back in the kitchen and make sandwiches*.


If you can’t even order your woman around, how can you order people around as a judge? “ A dog, a wife, and a hickory tree, the more you beat them the better they be.”


Behold, another effort by Guvnah to derail the discussion by claiming something is a lie.

Meanwhile, we see Trump leading the conservative chorus the claims Judge Meghan should recuse himself because of his daughter’s job… that example alone refutes Guvnah’s specious claim.

you continue to mischaracterize (lie) about other peoples position. At least have the decency to lie about yourself instead of someone else.

Mecham should recuse because he cannot separate his relationship with his daughter from his responsibility as a judge.


But you, nor anyone else can ever seem to point an example of the post in which my position was refuted. You keep celebrating my being trounced – but since there is no evidence it ever happened, the celebration seems entirely empty.

I have urged Justice Alito to follow RBG’s example and acknowledge the issue the the flag created. Where exactly was that suggestion discussed?

My follow-up point is that much of this thread has been a cry of terror at the thought that a conservative hero might have acknowledge an issue, as if the conservative edifice could to stand even in minimal course correction. All the empty attacks reinforce that perception.

What you said is a mantra is NOT a mantra.

The lie derails the discussion.

Thread is about Alito. Don’t derail the thread.

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Damn, man.

You’ve been corrected on that lie multiple times.


Your perception of this discussion is ah … interesting. :smile:

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I dunno man, it sounds like it’s a lot easier to annoy Mrs. Alito. Take your American flag down and put it back up upside down because your neighbor hurt your feelings.

That’s objectively hilarious.


No, because the neighbor was exposing children waiting for the school bus to profanity, Don’t forget that part.

But somehow you can never actually point to where the “correction” occurred. That’s all one needs to know about your claims.


You ignored them when they were originally posted.

All you have left is dishonest trolling now.


And there it is:


wasn’t ripe yet


oh well nice try haters

pick another stupid thing to champion


We must search out these flags, find them all.


San Francisco Libs love to make fools of themselves. Or so it seems.

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LOL… That woman is out of control. I love it, reminds me of my wife. Go ahead, try to control her!