Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

Too late. :wink:


It’s not just FOX.


I could go on …

The topic was discussed ad nauseam … to its death. You lost.

Now were just kicking the can back and forth having fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

With your demonstration that politicians are held accountable for family member’s actions. You are undermining Alito’s “my wife did it” defense. Are you doing that on purpose?

If I actually lost, someone could point out where. Instead we’ve had scores of demonstrations of the fear of actually letting a point go on the right. What I see is a steam of insults and distractions because no one has a viable counter argument.

You asked a question. There’s your answer. Are you ok?

They aren’t solutions, but true.

Lie. Debunked

I have never said that. Quit gaslighting.

I’m guessing about 9th grade.

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Point it out? Okay, read the thread from the beginning. You were trounced. And not just by me; but by everyone you engaged with. The best you could come up with was that you feel like you are owed an apology. Pathetic. :smirk:

shall not be infringed…

Indeed. Welcome to the Constitution. Are you sure you’re ready for other people’s freedom?

Now perhaps you can indicate the right to throw guns into dumpsters near schools? I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.


Whether he did it on purpose or accident. It should not happened. But it’s not impeachable and I love the way he votes. So I’m moving on.

Why shouldn’t it happen?

He give up his 1st Amendment rights when he became an ephor?

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Is this objective?

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just highlights her basic unfitness for the job

Are you crying!? There’s no crying in the Supreme Court!!!



And here we have it from a sitting federal judge appointed by Clinton.

First he lies… and takes a side

Then he relegates women to appendages

Get control of your woman!

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