Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

If Biden is engaging in traitorous acts…why are Republicans not holding him accountable?

Did the pubs in the house work with any democrats on their bill? If they had, you would have a point.

Already explained to you by someone else.

Please keep up if you don’t want your posts viewed as trolling.

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A while yet…

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Perhaps. My youngest grandson has “anger issues”. Minor things can set him off into a self reinforcing spiral that ends with him basically shutting down. I’ve been noticing similarities between him and the behavior of others in this regard.

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The endless reference to thee response that occurred some time ago that no one can quite put their finger on. Reminds me of the tapes that we were promised would show President Biden accepting bribes. Except no one had ever heard those tapes and no one could find them.

All I see here is people who seem unwilling to explain of support their point insisting that the support out there.

What does that article have to do with my point.

How many other gun cases would Fox give a headline to? Why this one? You know the answer

Its rich to suggest that the right wing does not routinely tie the behavior of individuals to others in their family.

You don’t like their solutions. They don’t legislate for you. :man_shrugging:

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A man sees what he wants to see and disregards the rest.
(Simon and Garfunkel, “The Boxer”)

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What would they do? How about SCOTUS…when Biden directly goes against their decision? “We” have never had a traitor for a POTUS and it’s sad but these are unchartered waters. Second…the corrupt political establishment is on both sides of the aisle. That’s what the MAGA movement is all about. I’m neither a D or an R. What I am…is an American and I despise the DC corruption. My vote is for Trump because even though I do not care for his disrespect of the office of the President, I also see he is the only one who will attack the problems our corrupt politicians are creating…like our southern border. The other problem “we the people” have…are those like yourself who can’t “comprende”.

“I can see for miles and miles and miles” Pete Townshend.

We can keep quoting classic rock lyrics; wha you seem completely unwilling to do is engage on the topic.

What decision are you referring to?

We do have corruption in our system. We have pols and SCOTUS judges receiving mountains of money and gifts…and that is all legalized, thanks to…our SCOTUS. And most pubs are ok with this.

If you think Trump, who has a history of breaking laws, paying huge fines for breaking those laws, stole from his own “charity” is the man that can clean up DC…it is you that does not really “comprende” what is really going on…

Mine applies to you.

And yours applies to me – I CAN see for miles and miles.

Maybe you could too, if you could escape from behind the walls of your trolling.

I have engaged. You just keep asking the same trollish questions.

Multiple people are telling you this.


you have no ethical argument, just political, And that has been answered many times.


The democrats in the senate did not work with the GOP on their bill either. One lone GOP member in on the discussions is not the republican party. They can even get their bill out of the senate. Get on the stick and tell them to take up the house bill because it is not going to look good for the dem senate to have sat on an house immigration bill for over a year while they cry that they can’t get even members of their party to vote for their open border bill.
You admitting your nothing but a troll how good of you to finally admit the truth.

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Did you find those trump pee pee tapes yet?


you’ll know the dif if you read my reply to his strawman

No surprise here. Oil on a limb is your permanent place of residence. :wink:

No pretending necessary. You wear it on your sleeve. :wink:

Ah! I knew you would get around to Hunter. As I said before, he’s the perfect example … he and is daddy are in it together right up to their eyeballs. :laughing: