Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

marx nodding yes

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True, the quiet parts keep getting said out loud in the nasty threads too. They can’t help it anymore. It’s like something finally broke inside of them. :thinking:


Personally, I blame this on the phrase “how does that make you feel”.

Somewhere along the line we took the emphasis off of reasoning and logic and placed it on emotion. You no longer hear people asking “what are your thoughts on this” or “what do you think of that”. Now it’s all what do you feel. I suspect this has to do with the fact that it’s easier to manipulate ones feelings rather than what they think.


“Feel” has been usurped in our common lexicon.

Feelings are spontaneous. They are neither right nor wrong. You can’t help how you feel. (TRUE feelings.) Happy. Sad. Scared. Angry. Right-and-wrong enter the equation when you act on your feelings.

But now we “feel” opinions. We “feel” thoughts. We “feel” judgments. “I feel that Alito did such-and-such… And if feelings are neither right nor wrong, you can’t tell me that my feelings about alito are wrong…”

If you can substitute “think” for “feel” in your sentence, you are not expressing a feeling. It’s a thought. An opinion. A belief.


Pretending you have the ability to identify and diagnose mental disorders is a very weak substitute for making an ethical or potlical argument. Strong suggests you don’t have either an ethical or poltical argument to make

How many years of Hunter Biden stories do we have to listen to before you acknowledge that conservatives will hold politicians for failings of family members. The evidence that my statement is factual is all around us. Reflexively invoking “lie” does not create truth.

This thread is based on feelings. The NYT conveniently removed any semblance of thought from the issue by conjuring a false comparison aimed at riling up those already predisposed to the conclusion they wanted.

And it worked as planned. As I’ve said before, NYT are masters of this tactic of manipulation via emotion. Why have your viewers think, do that for them and allow them to spin up on the “how does that make you feel” idea.

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Still trolling.
You have shown that you don’t want women to have a voice unless it is some nasty democrat woman and she is going after people you don’t agree with. Much like how you want women to step aside and let men take over places and things that women have fought for over the years because some mentally ill male is more important. The democrats have never supported women they used women to gain power and now they are showing exactly what they think of women just like you are doing.
Just like you aint black if you are black man and don’t support what the democrats want.
We know by past rulings that every democrat justice is a partisan hack who rules by whatever the democrat party line is and not the constitution. But you are not smearing them because they are lap dogs for the left and will do what you want.
Now your authoritarian self comes out you don’t want a fair and balanced court so you set out to smear a justice who has not done one thing wrong so you can force the court to rule the way you want. Just like you going after Thomas because he will not bow to the left and do their bidding.
You don’t have to admit that you are a partisan hack and a misogynist it is in plain site with your every post for all to see.
Keep stomping your little feet and whing because with every post you’re digging your hole bigger and bigger.

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Funny thing about the New York Times is, if you go to a liberal site – say Daily Kos --you would see the Times denounced at least as frequently as it is denounced here. Look at the evidence in the current Trump trial that Trump uses the NYT’s Maggie Haberman as a mouthpiece.

So, if we recognize that the Times is convenient target for all those with feelings about their inability to control the narrative, why don’t you join in the political discussion?

If the spouse of a liberal justice displayed a BLM or Antifa flag, would you recognize that your reaction is just a feeling of no worth ginned up by a report in the New York Post. I doubt that.

You keep repeating the same baseless accusations and every time I ask you to provide a justification for any of them.

The repetition brings none of them closer to the truth.

Still trying to make women second class citizens again are you?

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Because there is no political discussion in this thread. From it’s beginning, it has been nothing more than a sounding board for distraught individuals looking to vent their icky feelings over a false premise they were conned into believing.


Invasion sounds scary…which is all RW has… Fear!
Remember when there was an attempt to update the immigrations laws, and Republicans, obeyed orders by their leader to ignore the bill, and did not even try to work together to negotiate a possible solution?

Voters will remember that too in Nov.

Remember the senate is still sitting on the passed out of the house immigration bill. The democrats in the senate will not even bring the bill to the floor and work together and possibly find a solution. Voters will remember in November.


Now looky…you’re again making excuses for Biden’s traitorous acts while ignoring the fact that there are already laws on the books that aren’t being enforced. NEW ONES DON’T MEAN ■■■■ . You really do operate with a mental ceiling of arrogance and it makes me laugh. Thank you for being you. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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It’s sad that the dems have so little to offer the American people as a reason to elect them that all they can do is try to take people out of office or keep them from running.

How about offering solutions?


In any case, today, nobody seriously believes any member of the supreme court is philosophically or politically neutral. The left used to pretend the court was neutral when it was more biased in their favor, that is all.


And that’s what makes this thread fun.


It’s fun in that watching deeply distraught individuals vent their emotional ouchies over a fallacy concoted by NYT has that train wreck appeal.

It’s not so fun realizing that if I were a professional counselor, I could plop one of these basket cases on the couch and bill them $250/hr to ignore their ranting.

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Reminds me of something my paternal grandmother told me one time.

Seems my grandpa was a die hard dem and he told my grandmother to vote dem and assumed that she did.

She smiled and told me she quite often voted gop that she just didn’t tell him. :grinning:

The other grandpa (maternal) was gop all the way.

You said something earlier about “unable to process emotions”, I think you’re on to something.