Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

… to partisans. :man_shrugging:

Behold! Another H_A lie!!


already explained in my reply to his dishonest claim, try reading

Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Since Bidenis purposefully and intentionally allowing millions and millions and millions of illegal aliens to cross, plus terrorists and well over a million got aways…does that make him a “traitor” in your opinion or is he different?


Alito can’t be impartial because something his woman did?

So if your life partner does something really common sensical, is the world to suddenly believe you now have common sense?

I see a lot of critprogs in here saying without saying it Alito can’t be impartial because he can’t control his woman.


I’ll go out on a limb and say most of us don’t believe the wife excuse, and the fact that his beach house flies another flag related to Stop The Steal shows very poor judgement at the very least.

I understand. Bless your little hearts.

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Well…it starts out with a false comparison meant to rile up the progies, and it ends with them all but saying “he needs to keep the little woman in check”.


Is it because you don’t believe she could have got the flag on the pole by herself?

Sounds like something a man would say. Could it be the critprogs collective eggs are dropping?

You know how feeble females need a man for that sort of thing. :wink:


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see that kitchen

While making sandwiches in the kitchen? Come.on man, obviously this was alito’s doing.


Holy crap you’re right, even the perpetually single females are saying he needs to keep a tighter leash on his woman! :rofl:


And the betas following right along.

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It’s pretty much the inevitable conclusion when you rile those types up. Give them a story that triggers their feelings…say like the plight of those poor Palestinians, next thing you know the ugly side comes out…like screaming at the jews.


Creatures of habit create the clearest patterns don’t they? :thinking:


Especially indoctrinated useful idiots.

Habitual trends, an inability to rationally process emotions and a predetermined conclusion is a recipe for the ugley parts to come out in full display.