Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he




Only this one?

I’ve been coming here since the last Bush administration, so yeah, I’d say so.


No, but this is the only one I ever visit. I love you guys.

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You are becoming nothing more than a troll. You have been answered again and again by many posters.
Move on.

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Is kinda a hoot at times.


The democrats are coming out of the closet showing themselves to be the authoritarians that they are. They want to tell people what flags you can fly, what car you can drive, what healthcare you can have, who you can vote for ect showing that they don’t believe in freedom or the constitution Your posts show that.
Did you condemn your old pervert in the white house for showering with his young daughter? Did you call for him to announce that he is dropping out of the race because his actions were inappropriate?

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Just like Jill, Hillary and any other woman.

Not at all. The issue is Alito recognizing how actions at his house make him appear partisan, regardless of who did them. The issue is not his wife, it is Alito’s impartiality.

It is a conservative mantra that the failings of any family member are to be blamed on the family member in a government position. People keep trying to project that view onto what I have said. It seems all a part of the endless terror at the notion that anyone on the right might ever acknowledge a shortcoming. I don’t think your political position is that weak ti cannot survive a mild course correction.

I asked you to provide one example of what you insist to be the case. You have failed to do so. Calling me a troll does not cover up your inability to back up your endless stream of accusations.

lol… only through the vast TDS lens in your mind


Aren’t you in another thread arguing that a judge is responsible for his daughters actions and therefore should recuse?

nope, never said anything about the judge being responsible for his daughters actions.

What I have said is the judge has shown that he cannot separate his relationship with his daughter from his responsibility as a judge by ruling the defendant cannot say anything about a political operative making bank off the trial because she happens to be his daughter (who is otherwise not connected to the trial at all).


good point.

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nah, just his strawman

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what’s the dif?

No it’s not.

Ah, but of course you’re going to say “what about Hunter Biden?” Well. that is an excellent example. Hunter and his daddy are in it together right up to their eyeballs.

And to be clear, I have no political position on the Alito flag apology issue because as has been pointed out many times before, the only issue here is about libs trying to make a three-year-old nothing burger into a political issue. The moment you © libs finally give up and move on to your next nothing burger, I will forget this one was ever brought up.

Better luck with that next one. :wink:

Seriously? You don’t know the difference between a good point and a strawman? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That explains so much about your posts. :smile: