Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

The problem is, you© expect them to admit mistakes when they haven’t made one.

C’mon man … admit it. You only think he should apologize because you want him to.

Apologies should only be made for actual wrong-doing. To give an apology just because some people (like you) think they should apologize cheapens them making them insincere.

Alito’s political world is not in jeopardy. SC appointments are for life. He will be there whether he mouths an apology (mind you for something that occurred more than three years ago that he did not do) to sooth your lib soul or not. Get over it. It’s your problem, not his.

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If an investigation shows he stole the flag, then we have an issue.
Otherwise, he or his wife can fly their flags however they want.

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Seems as though he (and his ilk) wants Alito to apologize for allowing his wife to get out of control.

A wife, a dog, a hickory tree….

What’s it flying on?

The fragility is yours … Throwing a hissy fit because someone won’t apologize for something they didn’t do. You could really benefit from looking in a mirror now and then.


He did not blame her, he said she flew it. Blame implies that doing so was wrong. In this instance “wrong” is an opinion, not a fact.

There are only 869 posts in this thread. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


That article is proggy bait and accomplished precisely what it was conjured up to do. Draw a false comparison between Alito and J6 and feed it to the easily manipulated to stoke their rage. The NYT is masterful at this tactic, it never fails to draw out the fools.


If you include “Alito” and “Jan 6” on the same page, a connection is established in the weak minded.
Same trick with the Trump ad placed in a 1918 newspaper. “Reich” allowed the NYTs to put Trump and “NAZI” in the same article, even though the party hadn’t even been established in 1918.


brilliant yes exactly!

And now we have AOC asking where Alito bought an upside-down flag, because she wants one.


I thought that was bad to begin with (story i mean no trump staffer using it) but i didn’t even realize that it was from 1918. Is that actually what the article date was? :joy:

Unfortunitly this is a very effective tactic…because there are enough people that are stupid enough to fall for it.


It’s only a saga because you libs can’t let it go.

It’s a doozy alright … Almost a thousand posts about a nothing burger. :wink:

Just like most threads. This board is for entertainment purposes only. :wink:

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The Woke Libs are REEKING of desperation to be clinging to such a piddling nothing of a Narrative.