Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

So … if he said, “I never in a million years would have thought that my wife flying the flag upside-down for a couple of hours would cause libs to set their hair on fire, but there they are screaming their heads off about it. I learn something new every day.” you would be good. Great. :+1: :wink:


You realize, do you not, that that implies that you believe he is lying? What evidence is there to support your belief?

Am…am I in trouble?

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What if someone bought her a coffee? Where do you want to draw the line?

RBG and Scalia were very close friends. The were frequent dinner guests in their respective homes and they with their families often even went on vacations together. Do you think that influenced how either of them ruled on any particular case before the Court? You apparently have a very low opinion about the integrity of these folks.




[quote=“Samm, post:463, topic:247057”]
You realize, do you not, that that implies that you believe he is lying? What evidence is there to support your belief?

I am not talking about truth or falsehood. I am talking about responsibility. If my wife flew an upside down US flag or a BLM flag or a Palestinian flag over our house, I wouldn’t act as if that had nothing at all to do with me. Whether I congratulated her on demonstrating our shared values or said that I disagreed with her and thought the display inapprorpriate, I wouldn’t walk away thinking things that happen at my house don’t reflect on me.

Perhaps your implication is more a reflection on your doubts about the judge than mine.

Don’t think so. I keeps getting short-term bans for being inappropriate. I never ask the moderaters to silence anyone. My commitment to free speech is strong enough that you are safe with me.

fauci do told

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Whatever my husband of over fifty years has done or said in all the years we have been together had nothing to do with me. Those were his own thoughts and actions. I am not his keeper he is free to do whatever he feels is the right actions for him.
There have been times he has upset people and to get around my husband people came to me to straighten him out I always told them the same thing. Not my problem. You have a problem go straighten it out with him.
Maybe that is why my marriage has worked for so many years.


May I assume that neither you nor your husband are public figures? If one of you were the situation would be quite a bit different.

You would be wrong. You are also wrong that public officials are more important than the ordinary working man. It has always amazed me how much the left worship the people they elect to office and think those elected idiots are superior to the any other citizen.


Your statement that his response (his acknowledgment) that his wife did it and he was not aware or involved was an act of cowardice implies that you believe he is lying and that it was he who was personally responsible for the act.

That reflects on you, not me.

Your hang up on this “nothingburger” (as @Guvnah so aptly labeled it) also reflects on you. You pretend it’s all about honor, but we can all see right through you.


That’s your erroneous interpretation of what I ssid, so it makes no sense for you to try to hang it on me. I have been clear that Alito’s responsibility is to make a good faith effort to appear to be neutral in his role as a Supreme Court justice. And, yes, political statements flying above his house do reflect on that responsibility.

Why do his defenders keep thinking they need to defend Allto’s honesty in a matter where it is not being called into question?

Your erroneous interpretation of what Alito’s wife did makes no sense to hang on him.

It wasn’t a political statement.

Hint: What you are looking for isn’t worth a hill of beans.


How is my interpretation of what you said any different than your interpretation of what Alito said?

The truth of the matter is, there is nothing that Alito could say that would make your ilk admit or believe that he is impartial. The best tact for him is to ignore the lot of you.


i don’t see anything in there about what you would say to the public

Now you are claiming that a “Stop the Steal Flag” flown as we have been told to rebut an anti-Trump poster is not a political statement. It appears the discuss has reality completely at this point.

other than your own and other leftists imagination, where do you get the idea its a “stop the steal” flag?


I don’t speak for any ilk, only for myself. I have repeatedly said what Alito would need to say to satisfy me: acknowledge that it was inappropriate and does not represent his views of the election.

So claiming nothing would satisfy me is simply ignoring what I have been telling you.