Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

I was unavailable yesterday but let me correct the two answers given on my behalf which indicated that I would not accept an apology.

On the contrary, and my example of RBG demonstrates, that if Alito acknowledged the problem the flag created that would satisfy me.

I like the conservatism of my youth, which emphasized personal responsibility and humility, contrasted with the current version of conservatism which emphasizes, doubling down on everything and claiming “the other guy did it first.”

The two posters who ascribed answers to me got my position wrong.

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apparently it is you who got your position wrong


How is that apparent?

When did I call for any other remedy for the flag incident than the one I proposed?

The term “incident” exaggerates its importance.

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So what’s the oorrect English usage here? Pick something between “incident” and “non-event”.

Alito wasn’t involved in any flag incident. There is no reason for him to recuse.


Alito asserts he was not involved – attributes the action to his wife. A real profile in courage there!

What I am looking for is a recognition that public displays at his home reflect on him, since they do.

Also note, Doug BH telling me it is not appropriate to call this an “incident”. You used that term as well. I am waiting on DBH to provide the correct English usage.

right here

this was you wasn’t it? That’s a bit more than acknowledgement.

so, did you change your position? Or just lie about what it is/was?


so you want him to lie to show his integrity?

they do if he did it, not if he wasn’t even aware of it

LOL… why can’t leftists be honest. What I said is Alito was not involved in any flag incident


He wasn’t given a gift. He was invited.


You feel Notorious RBG never got theater tickets?

He did. His woman.

The word games people will play is remarkable…why is it so important to you that SC Justices can take from people without reporting?

If she did, I think we should know about it.

Let the dead rest in peace.

Ooooo. Yes. “Non-event” works great. Thanks.

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You ignored the instructions.

The term “non-event” is a poor description of an event that actually occurred.

Care to try again?

Look at you doubling down. More and more the democrats are letting their true feeling about women be known.
Seems it is really the GOP who support women. While the left think women should be in the back of the bus. And that they need to shut up and only let democrat men tell them what to say and how to think.

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