Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

black Magic!

no wonder they wear black robes

racist bullhorn

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And how did the rest of the Justices vote? Do you think the cases before them had no merit?

Yeah, fantasy is often a fun genre. :smirk:

No she didn’t. She admitted that she should not have voiced her private opinion publicly. In other words, she was sorry that she exposed her bias.


Are you a misogynist? Do you control everything your wife does? What makes you think Alito even knew she did it until this hit the news?

This discussion has made one aspect of this perfectly clear. This country IS in distress.


:rofl: Come on man!

Of course not … The damage has been done. From this day forward Alito is a known shill for Trump. He needs to resign (so Biden can appoint Obama in his place.)

Too bad you aren’t who makes the rules, huh.

Perhaps you can cite and quote the rule that you think he violated that has you so upset.

Magnificent post!

Every part of it right on the money!

Look at the democrats. Seems they lied when they said they supported women. Throwing them under the bus while they throw a tantrum because they are not getting their way.

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When did I claim corruption?

I said he should report the gifts.

What he did wrong was, not reporting the gifts he was given.

Just pretend for a minute that RBG was given a ride on a private plane to Alaska by George Soros and when she got there Bill Gates paid for her stay at a fishing resort and then four years later, Gates had an anti-trust case before the court and she never disclosed the trip.

In your opinion, not by the rules.

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How do you know she didn’t if she never reported it?


why would I have to imagine? RBG had plenty of gifts she didn’t disclose. All of the justices followed the ethical requirements of the time.


What in God’s name are you talking about?

Libs and tantrums.

Hope that helps!

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