Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

Our woke libs would only be satisfied with Alito stepping aside so a woke lib nut job judge could take his place.

We’ve already seen what Brandon appoints to the court.


All the democrats partisan trials of trump are eroding the countries faith in the neutrality of the Unites states courts.
As well the democrats going after prolife people and churches and conservatives and guns.
Just like all the democrats election shenanigans are eroding the countries faith in fair elections.
Just because the Supreme Court rules by the constitution instead of your woke plans does not mean that they have lost their neutrality or wisdom.
The only ones I see undermining our republic or the democrats. Your senile president who is the first president in my life time to demonize half the country. As well as allowing the country to be invaded,
The woke kooks are whining because there is still one branch of the government to put a stop to their plans. And I hope that stop remains for a long time.


If you are interested in that discussion why not start it with a discussion of a SC Justice having a trip to a swanky Alaskan fishing lodge arranged and paid for by a hedge fund manager who had been trying for years to get a $$B case in front of the court - which they took up and Alito voted in favor of the guy who paid his fishing tab/ All while not reporting the extravagant gift.

Seems like a perfect example to get the conversation rolling.

Edit - My bad - Singer paid for the private flight. Another GOP mega donor paid for all the lodging and meals and bush plane flights while at the lodge.

Aren’t you arguing that the judge in Trump’s criminal trial should recuse because of his daughter’s business? Or am I thinking of another poster?


I’d be satisfied with that.

Instead he wrote that piece in the WSJ…

6 years later. Did Alito get it taken up by himself.

The decision was 7-1. Did the other 6 go fishing too?

Breyer and Kagan?

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That’s why no one is calling for his impeachment.

This is an issue of the appearance of impropriety, which easily would have been avoided by simply reporting the gifts he received and from whom he received them.

He didn’t. Further, he claims he did nothing wrong.

I think when our SC justices get gifts from people they should report it.

He was under no obligation to report a fishing trip.

Stop trying to manipulate and undermine the ephors.

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He didn’t.

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He was given the trip. and the flight.

They were gifts.

I think justices should report gifts.

We disagree.

He was invited on a trip other people were already going on. He was offered an empty seat on airplane already going there.

And you claim corruption for a case 6 years later and 7-1.



There’s nothing wrong with going fishing. Did they put the hook in the salmon’s mouth?

A trip and a flight are moments, not gifts.

The Cullinan Diamond would have been a gift.

A Rolls-Royce Droptail is a gift.

Simon Bolivar’s Flintlock Pistols are a gift.

That Singer guy must be a wizard, like me. The 7th son of a 7th son maybe.

except thats not what happened.

absolutely! He got 7 SC justices to vote in his favor by paying for a little extra fuel for his Jet for one of them.

6 years later. He can predict the future.

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so he’s a wizard and a seer!

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And somehow Alito convinced at least 3 other justices who didn’t get to go fishing six years ago to hear the case.

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