Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

He has said it was his wife’s action. Was he blind to how it would look to have that display at his house? I doubt you think Samuel Alito is that stupid.

As to RGB, can you name a case involving Trump that she should have recused from?

If the left (extremist) judges EVER recuse themselves i might take woke lib demands for conservatives to recuse themselves more seriously.


This is the twenty first century. The law does not presume that man and wife are one person and the man is that person.
But if Ginsburg response was to apologize I suppose the left would find an apology and not a recusal would solve the “problem”. (As if)


too funny

they estimate the cost of an empty seat on a plane at 100K and the only thing Singer gave him was a ride and according to both of them, neither knew the other was even going to be there.

The decision was 7-1 (6 years later) and even the dissent (RBG) would have voted in the affirmative if the requested discovery was limited to Argentina’s “commercial” property held abroad. So basically the court agreed UNANIMOUSLY that NML had a right to discover Argentina’s commercial properties held abroad.

This you claim as evidence that Alito was bought off by a plane ride 6 years prior? What did he pay for Kagan’s vote? Breyer’s? Kennedy’s?

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Failure to disclose and failure to recuse. The vote is not the issue.

The fucntioning of our institutions depends on maintaining faith in their neutrality. As massively partisan a decision as Bush v. Gore did not move the needle an inch on public opinion of the Supreme Court. The failure of the current crew to maintain public faith in their decision making undermines our Republic. Let’s make America Great Again and get back to a Supreme Court that inspires faith its neutrality and wisdom…

The weaponization of the justice system for political purposes by the Biden administration is responsible for the loss of credibility you are witnessing.


he had no duty to either disclose nor recuse. There is no issue.

Even if he did, what do you think it cost in extra fuel to fly him there? $20? $50? $100

To figure it out you’ll have to know Alito’s weight plus the weight of his luggage, and then figure out how much fuel the jet uses per pound of “cargo”. The Jet was going there anyway, so thats all the gift cost.

or, if you really want to be a hardass, you could just take the total amount of fuel and the salary of the staff on the plane and divide it by the number of passengers. That however, would not be specific to how much extra he paid specifically for Alito.

Alternately (though also not specific to Alito) you could determine how much per hour (including fuel) it costs to operate the plane, multiply it by the length of the flight and then divide that buy the number of passengers.


I guess if Alito made an apology for the flag on his lawn, you’d be fine with that too. :+1:

why would he apologize for something he did not know would happen until after it happened and which he had nothing to do with?

we all know that’s not what its about, its about… TDS

Well… yes it is.

What self defense? Of what?

What “tax matters”? The case of Argentina was 6 years later and 7-1.

What was the quo? What case?



No she didn’t. She said she regreted making them. That’s not an apology. Did she apologize to Trump?

He had no obligation to disclose and no reason to recuse.

Well, to be consistent, H_A should be satisfied with Alito doing the same.

Seems you prefer a government for sale to the highest bidder. Biden has been selling the government for around 50 years and you voted for him knowing that fact. You will run to the polls to vote for biden again in November.

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You need to get out of the sixties. Women do not have to kow tow to their husbands anymore. Women have every right to have their own opinions and beliefs. Look at you wanting husbands to force their wives to be silent servants. What did you want him to do beat his wife into silence because she is a conservative who voices her opinions?
According to you she needs to stay in the kitchen and the only rights she should have is the right to kill her child because some man does not want to have to pay child support.

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