Just Something Simple?

They already know… they have not called for a straight pride parade. Non sequitor.

owe my bad. I thought that the Liberal Demoncrat Politicians + the Liberal
Socialist Fake News Media kept saying
that straight white old men were really bad in this country?

Hmm, I guess I’ll have to watch more Fake News Mainstream Media(ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN) to find out if that was right or not. lol

More non sequitors and word salad… not even the tasty kind

isn’t classifying people in general discriminatory though?

if one person want to be classified as native American, is that ok
but then the next person that is native American doesn’t, then what do they
mark on a document that asks for their ethnicity?

Are documents racist?

There you go with Liberal talk again. I don’t like the word POTUS. It’s an
abbreviation, and it’s lazy to constantly abbreviate everything, even though
the Democrat Politicians enjoy it, it doesn’t mean that the rest of us have to.

The President of the United States. Are we still allowed to call it the United States
of America? Or is that offensive to someone, some where in the world, that
the Democrat Politicians will I’m sure bow down and apologize even that
we call ourselves that? lol

I’d say he forced something. Him and the Democrat Politicians forced
Socialism down Americans throats.


All work and no play makes POTUS a dull boy.

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Sounds like you already are watching Fake News Mainstream Media but none of those mentioned.

And yet if President Donald Trump takes just one day off, the Itty bitty ratings,
fake News Liberal Media has a field day over it.

28 Abbreviations hu? I’ll make it easier. President of the United States! lol.

and unlike the Democrat Politicians I won’t force it down your throat!
It’s simply my opinions, and I want everyone to have their own opinion, and
to be able to think for themselves, even if it’s an opinion that differs,
from my own.

The victim complex hu? Are you sure that you’re not just projecting like
Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Democrat Politicians normally do?

After all, Democrat Politicians are the ones that play identity Politics, and
always play the “Victim” card in general. Cops bad, Criminals good. White
old men bringing down the Black man. Racist, Sexism, blah blah blah.

All politics is identity politics

They can be, if the Republicans and Conservatives decided to play identity politics like the Democrat Politicians do all of the time.

The term identity politics has been in use in various forms since the 1960s or 1970s, but has been applied with, at times, radically different meanings by different populations.[5][6] It has gained currency with the emergence of social movements such as the women’s movement, the civil rights movement in the U.S., the LGBTQ movement, as well as nationalist and postcolonial movements.[4]

Examples include identity politics based on age, religion, social class or caste, culture, deafhood, dialect, disability, education, ethnicity, language, nationality, sex, gender identity, generation, occupation, profession, race, political party affiliation, sexual orientation, settlement, urban and rural habitation, and veteran status.

Republicans and Conservatives have played Identity Politics since as long as I can remember from the Moral Majority to woo Evangelicals away from the Southern Democrats to the President descending down an escalator and talking about Rapists from Mexico.

All politics is Identity Politics.

Do you mean like allowing trans men in the women’s bathroom?

You see there is identity politics that are illogical and immoral like the above example,
and then there are Identity Politics such as keeping Abortion Illegal,
and that is why I’m a Conservative.

Because even though both sides do play Identity Politics to a degree, and both sides are corrupt to a degree, I feel that I’m choosing the side that is less corrupt, has a lot more morality, and definitely has a lot more logic than the opposition. Owe, and Conservatives play a lot less Identity Politics as well.

It’s because of the whole logic and morality thing is more so on our side, and we have more to play, then simply identity Politics, like the democrat Politicians. That’s all they have, and they don’t ultimately stand for anything. lol.

By the way, I told ya’ll on here that Democrat Politicians colluded with Russia.
Now Conservatives, Conservative Media, and Trumps team are going to expose the truth about it more and more, over time.

“My side is more Moral”

^^^^ Identity Politics ^^^^^^

That’s a huge stretch of the definition.

How so?

One is using their version of morality to lure in voters.

It isn’t a bad thing. It just is.

That is not identity politics, that is individual political philosophy. Identity politics is the reverse of that, i.e. which party you identify with based their platform (perceived or real.)

At today’s national day of prayer, a prosperity gospel pastor cast out the demons.

That is an example of a “morality” implemented in a way for political power by appealing to people who identify with what ever gibberish she was saying.

It is all identity politics. Democrats tend toward appealing towards identities of social justice, race, sex and the like. The GOP tend towards identities of religiosity, rugged individualism and a meritocracy.

It isn’t a bad thing… it is just how it all works.

The GOP has convinced people that it is a dirty word and only “liberals” (another example of identity politics) do it.

It is rarely around the nitty gritty of policy, but about selling the broad story and to get votes you have to have a narrative around the types of identities that will agree with that broad story.

It is simply how politics works.

I don’t know maybe that less then 50 years ago you use to force segregate people by race has something to do wit hit.