Just Say No to Neera Tanden

Nope. Sorry.

I focused on both.

Do you care about her mean tweets?

So you have nothing

That’s true. Now ask yourself why? The answer is because he isn’t sorry. So which is better…to have someone stick with their belief of what the truth is or to have someone tell you what you want to hear and lie simply to get what they want?

No you didn’t. You voted against your own best interest. You never even looked at policy.

Sure, they are a window into her politics. Do you?

I can list names of random establishment dems all day long.

Why would she face opposition from progressives if her goal is to advance a progressive agenda? You are literally all over the place

Way to completely flip the meaning of what I said.

I understand. You’re desperate

Not talking fast enough. Remember how “pleasantly surprised” they were with Jbiden?

No I didn’t. The only policy that Trump had that impacted me, at all, was SALT cap. That was an negative impact. I want that gone. I also don’t like his leadership. So I voted to replace both.

This sounds like a virtue signal

I knew you would say that and saw how it could be taken that way, so I deleted it. My sincerest Tanden apologies.

Platinum Plan.

You still don’t know what that term means.

Oh…your taxes or the taxes of your family and friends didn’t go down?

@sikofit Sure there is. Trump would never of apologized

…and still waiting. :sunglasses:


My tax bill went up.

Indications of willingness ignored.

If it did, it wasn’t federal, it was state or can you not admit that?

Nope, my state stayed the same. My federal went up

Timing of offer ignored

It was federal. My state taxes haven’t changed in years.