Jordan Peterson Resigns as Tenured University of Toronto Professor

This transgender thingy, especially regarding sports, is one of the craziest ideas currently circumventing the planet. Caitlynn Jenner’s opinion on this should be considered the premier opinion regarding this subject but since it excoriates the mindset dumbasses are trying to push, Caitlynn is being…“cancelled”. That really spotlights the stupidity of it all, not to mention the pain being inflicted on female athletes. Jordan Peterson recognized that.

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White men are getting plenty of jobs in Academia.

Yeah, from those who fancy themselves the purveyors of the the feminist movement…

“Science and Engineering”

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He also blames Canada for banning Conversion therapy as a reason for leaving.

The dude has figured out it is far far far easier to make a living on the right wing grift machine than it is to teach.

Teaching is hard.


And for those who don’t think that this isn’t about the rightwing grift… here he is laying out a situation where the world’s virologists identify new Covid variants to benefit the profits of big Pharma

Do the new COVID variants benefit the profits of big pharma?

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Yeah…funny, he excels at teaching, but of course the left will trash him, he doesn’t buy into their snake oil.

You should have listened to that 15 second clip.

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It’s ok to convert a child into believing they’re not the sex they were born with but it’s not ok to do the reverse. This is just insane. It’s legalized child abuse and I can understand anyone and everyone who sees it for the abuse it is and calls it out.


“Excels”… yeah… by all accounts he did until he tapped into the attention engine… then he went off the rails.

By all accounts when it comes to Clinical Psychology he knows his stuff… when he talks about the validity and solidifying of human hierarchical structures based on serotonin levels of lobsters… he goes way off the rails into nonsense land.

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Because you don’t listen and understand doesn’t make it “off the rails”.

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Conversion Therapy was in fact legalized child abuse… not the opposite.

No one but the fringiest of the fringe think that it has any valid therapeutic benefit and in fact it actively harms people.

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There’s nothing to ‘understand’ about Jordan Peterson, as a public scold and peddler of mawkish moralisms. ‘Make your bed’ is a truism, not an insight. He does, to his credit, know how to get strangers to give him money for the kind of advice that is free from every other spinster aunt in America.

…and not all were the same but…let’s group it all together and ban it but…let’s make it ok to confuse a child into believing they’re in the wrong body. What you’re promoting is evil but attempting to disguise it as beneficial. It’s not and the level of suicides in this group prove it.


Maybe… just maybe the level of suicides is what it is because there is an industry that is really intent on changing them from what they are.

I do not doubt that this could work both ways but…when a child is born of one sex and the forces being applied is to promote the opposite, the natural probability by far is that the adults in the life of this child are the actual problem.

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Or… we have had gay and trans people since there has been people.

That makes much more sense.

It’s possible but not probable and those teachers in California perfectly prove my point. They are the problem.

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Oh… so that one data point negates all of human history… cool.

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