Jordan Peterson Resigns as Tenured University of Toronto Professor

He holds his own well in debate, but does so in a kind way.

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There are some good ones out there they did a tour Bret Weinstein, Sam Harris, and him covering multiple subjects.

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Ahh the lobster guy… on to the real grift of right wing grievance.

Wish him well.

Can you explain the difference to us please?

Hey… I am sure that Peterson has a white lab coat on when he is advocating for enforced monogamy so incels won’t kill women.

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So tetchy for the mere moralizers.

One is focused on the impacts of law on race

The other is focused on, well diversity equity and inclusion

It’s ok, hate him.

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Yeah… :roll_eyes: :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


I don’t hate him.

I am baffled as to why anyone takes him seriously.

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I don’t. I care about intelligence.

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Stop playin’

Quote it.

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Because he’s serious and intelligent.

Who do you take seriously?

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Which way more important.

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Peterson explained that he could no longer idly stand by and watch what he called “qualified and supremely trained heterosexual white male graduate students” be overlooked for research positions due to a push for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Applying this same level of diversity to the NFL, makes them supremely racist. If the NFL isn’t racist IYO, why is that? Now apply that same logic to everything and when the best qualified are over looked due to race, that’s the actual racism. What’s funny are those not seeing this truth but instead seeing a fake, mirage of virtue.


Explain diversity in the CRT/Woke context as currently practiced please.


Such a perfect point!

If you was an astronaut going to Mars, who would you want involved in design & building the rocket, the most qualified, or the most “inclusive”?

BEYOND that, would you want those people taught by professor’s who was the most qualified, so they would have the best education/information, so they are properly educated, or the most “inclusive”?

OR…how about the doctors, engineers, etc. when you get sick or drive over a bridge or wlk into a building? See my point? The BEST, most qualified. Period. THAT is fair.

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