John kelly opens up about trump

Correct, that was Kelly’s quote. Nowhere in the article does The Atlantic try to assert that it was all migrants or illegals. Absolutely nowhere

This is what the Atlantic said in the preceding sentence.

…he famously described some of the migrants coming into the US from Mexico as “rapists” and criminals

I didn’t assign that to the author.

…and that is correct, that the quote is incorrect…that the POTUS was ONLY speaking of SOME…ILLEGAL ALIENS. The actual quote by the POTUS has been mistakenly quoted over and over and over and over but it’s still no more accurate, than the very first time this lie was reported.

Sure you did


And nobody is the making the assertion he said all. Not the article nor anyone in this thread

Read that again very slowly.

migrants are “overwhelmingly good people” and “not all rapists”

Notice the quotation marks…in the article? When this statement was made, the President was not speaking of migrants…at all…period.

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I didnt say “author” either. Bottom line is that the article doesn’t make that charge like you asserted they did. It reported Kelly’s quote is all but they made no attempt to paint the comment as other than it was

It’s quoted from the article.

Is yelling at the sky…sane?

Is dressing up in black, covering your face, carrying weapons to commit acts of violence…sane?

Is tearing up a SOTU speech…on national tv…as Speaker of the House…sane?

Saying over and over for years…that you have indisputable evidence…that you NEVER provide is…sane?

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You are trying to dance around a word…you didnt say this you said that, you implied this but didnt use that word. Blah blah blah…it never changes

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Standard Operating Procedure. We all know the routine

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It’s quoted directly from the article.

Yes. Kelly’s quote was in the article. It doesnt change that the article never made the “charge” you said they did

Former WH Chief of Staff for the Trump admin. Not exactly a rando.

Yes. Yes it is. When it is filled with as many lies and deceptions as that SOTU was filled with, then it was completely sane. Petty, sure. But sane.

Ah, so he’s the Pope. My bad. lol

Not the end all be all. But about as clued in as anyone re: the Trump admin and it’s doings.

But he’s a know-nothing never Trumper bitter ex-employee now I guess.

No, he’s the Pope, worthy of leftist worship. For now. lol

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Very good… now let’s sound out the letter H.

Then we can work on colors and shapes.

Of course it’s in the article I read the damn thing

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