John Durham probe into FBI conduct has now turn into a criminal investigation

Logic, has been deleted from today’s Republican party, and many of it’s followers.


Yep. You can indict a ham sandwich.

What’d that grand jury do with McCabe? Anybody hear?

Well it’s about time. I’ll believe in justice when I see them frog marched to prison.

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How did they know that Hillary’s polling numbers were bogus??? She did end up winning the nationwide popular vote by 2.86 million votes.

I wouldn’t hold your breath. People will be frog-marched to prison out of this incident just like Hillary has been landed in an orange jump suit, or Trump being seen in cuffs. You’re being played.

Tick, tock…

Then why withhold the dirt they had on Trump until after the election?

“Lock her up! Locker her…er…wait…what!!!”

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And as Al Green said We can’t beat Trump in the election.

If you will make the same bet with me I will take you up on it.

I do not have the confidence you have in the system. I believe everything you say, but just dont trust them. I am far more cynical. They will make up some hog wash like it will ter the country up or something. So, by making the bet. it is worth a pizza to me if I lose and they are exposed. If they do nothing as I suspect, at least I will get a pizza out of the deal. So either way for me, it is a win - win. Either I win because they are exposed, or I win a pizza.

We just have to agree on a date for this if you want to make the bet.

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I agree with EVERYTHING you just said but…I’m in. The hiring of Durham gives me hope.

It wasn’t too keep him from getting elected. It was for impeachment in case he got elected.

Seems like it would have been easier to just release disparaging information prior to the election to swing a mere 35,000 votes…

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They thought Hillary was going to win, all the way up to election night.

No, that would have looked very suspicious and possibly cost then votes.

Disparaging information that can’t be supported can result in a political backlash, especially when you believe you have the whole thing won. Why do it?
Originally they probably hoped they would come up with something real that they could support. As it worked out, they would just have to use it for a FISA warrant.

Also, “insurance” is used after the incident, in this case after Trump won the election


And then we would have a President Pence… who is ideologically more to the right, knows where the levers of power are and competent.

That is some really weird strategery for the Clinton deep state.

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Their hated for Trump trumped the consequences of a Pence presidency.

If anyone is charged or indicted, would they have the right to discovery?

That would be very interesting.

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