Joe Rogan vs Neil Young

You are right about it being conservative and old fashioned but it also brought us terms like “bless your heart” insults disguised as decency :slight_smile:

Over doing decency is Inherently indecent.

Do you have a problem with that? Sarcasm with a smile is not rudeness, it’s making a point without saying anything in direct response.

And it is rare that we even get to do that here. A lot of news sites as well as all of the yahoo forums have been taken down.

I don’t know who said it but I heard it the other day don’t censor but engage with the other side.

Some of my views have changed over the years by talking with people on the other side of the aisle if I was speaking into and echo chamber it would just be tribalism.

Hmm? Not all sarcasm is rudeness but sarcasm definitely can be rudeness depending on the context

The or else is there in the statement. The call out puts Spotify on the radar of executive branch retaliation. They were smarter than Brandon making his quid video for Shokin in 2018…barely.

Probably after the movie Casino.


What retaliation. Be specific please.

Boogey boogey boogey

So I guess Joe Rogan says the N word on air even more than I assumed he did. Hundred twenty some episodes pulled and more coming one assumes.


This is actually news to me. Had no idea he used the N word on his podcast. Calling black people apes.


It’s a bit odd we are skirting around speech for the last six or seven years. Our free speech is one of the things a lot of the world envy’s. We are now a society that judges and cancels people based at their worst moments. Rogan has a ton of videos the vast majority of them has nothing to do with vaccines or the n word but everything from sports, hunting, to talking with celebrities.

The country imho could do a lot better of accepting apologies and moving on. Same goes with everyone regardless of ethnicity or sex.


I assumed there was some because he was basically an insult comic in his younger days but it’s kind of nuts how often he apparently said it.

The ape thing and him uncritically agreeing with the dude claiming blacks are genetically predisposed to violence caught me by surprise.

Well let’s do the math. He’s been podcasting for twelve years weekly and Spotify has removed almost two and a half years worth of podcasts for that particular thing so far.

To be fair, he podcasts 2-5 times a week. I think he’s closing in on 2,000 episodes.

I used to listen to the JRE - around 2009-2015 most of his guests were other comedians, and maybe 1 out every 20-40 episodes he released would sound interesting to me.

There was a shift at some point - I feel like it was around 2014-2016 - when he started having less comedians on, and more bow hunters and questionable nutritionists. Then came politicians, and it became what it is now.

I can say I don’t remember ever hearing him say the n-word.

Standards and practices are a thing with the people shelling out the money.

They pay… they get a say.

That’s why I was surprised when he emerged as like the e new Howard Stern, because his podcast was basically that show with Colin Quinn that used to be on Comedy Central, a bunch of standups making jokes about current events.I’ve been a fan of dude since NewsRadio.

I’m just assuming social media broke his brain like every other person with even a smidgen of fame. You say some dumb ■■■■■ you get roasted on social media, the worst people in the world come to defend you and then you start seeing the worst people in the world as your allies and bam, pilled.

Caving in. Be sure to check under the bed tonight, folks. lol

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I was the gaffer on that show.

Funny story.

I saw Ken Ober screaming at the network over the phone because the on site Standards and Practices guy nixed a bit where Keith Robinson says the N word. Ober was saying that the show aired after Chappelle Show.

A few weeks later they did a bit where Robinson got his official license to be able to use the N word whenever he wanted. But this was of course after Paul Mooney had been on the show.

When are they going to learn to quit apologizing?

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I wouldn’t know about Patrice O’Neal if not for that show, and he’s one of the funniest ever. I saw him live right before he died.