Joe Biden's #Metoo, or is This #WeDon'tCare

Sexual assault is sexual assault. You don’t get a special pass just because you aren’t a politician.

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But but but (insert pass)

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Trump gets a pass. I understand. I get it.

What sexual assault? The one Biden’s accused of?

The pass the Dems continuously give to the serial groper Joe “The Thing” Biden, that pass?

I’d go with that.

Of course, I don’t believe the charge in the first place. But some alleged indiscretion 20-something years ago? Even if it were true? I just don’t see that it indicates who the accused person is NOW.

The question most being raised here is an attempt to point out the double standard of all this based on who the accused person is. And I fully agree that such a double standard DOES exist.

Your question appears to be an attempt to mask that double standard.

But he didn’t get that pass. Not in the media. Not in the daily talking points from his detractors. We see it from posters on this board who do their best to mention such accusations as often as possible.

The Biden accusation is already long buried by the same media that kept Trump’s accusations highlighted for as long as they could. Thus the accuracy of the second hashtag in the thread title.


Of course Biden got a pass, he was continuously reelected every six years as Senator, and was our VP. All the dems every did with Joe, is roll their eyes, and pull the lever to reelect him.

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They’ll vote for him in 2020 to. For Pres.

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Same thing happened with Bill Clinton. There was an outrage over offensive sexual actions in the workplace going on in the early 90’s, culminating in the forced resignation of Senator Packwood (real name). Along came Bill, and it was all “its only sex” and the “nuts and sluts” defense…with silence from the outrage groups. It will happen again.
The only result of this is it neutralizes any attacks on Trump from what he is alleged to have done in the past.
But if Dems want to go with Biden, that’s their choice. I’m ok with it.

Biden’s being accused of sexually assaulting a staffer, someone who knew him and supported him. This is not like what usually happens, where some woman who neither worked for nor supported a politician running for public office, and she is suddenly going public to try and take him out.

I’m not saying this means she is telling the truth, only that she does not sound like some Republican voter trying to take out Biden for purely political reasons.


Did Lewinsky say she was sexually assaulted?

Yes. And Trump. You know…the subject of conversation

Yep. Trump supporters are just like Democrats. Congrats.

Ask the #meToo movement. Whenever a big powerful, wealthy man preys upon the young women around him, like his staff and interns, he is a sexual predator. He’s using his power and influence over the woman.

And conservative media does the exact same thing. And you don’t seem to ever focus on that. Let’s just all admit we are partisan hacks already.

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Did Kathleen Willey say she was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton?

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What conservative media would that be, since everyone except FNC are Democratic Party hacks.

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The conservative media gave Trump a pass.
When the porn star allegations surfaced, it was “before Trump was ever a nominee, doesn’t count”.
When the “grab’em by the ■■■■■■■ it was “locker room talk”.
All of the allegations against Trump related to the Miss America pageants all have been ignored or downplayed.
And the Trump hanging out with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein always turn into “but Clinton!”.
And when Nov 2016 came around, R’s gleefully pulled that Trump lever.

If folks are going to remain consistent, then there shouldn’t be threads like this. Both sides do it, so nothing related to accusations in the past shouldn’t make a difference in folks’ opinions.

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