Joe Biden wants to Make America Moral Again...MAMA?

Trouble with verb tenses?

It’s a fact.

How is it fake?

To answer that question you must discover the answer to these questions:

*What does the capitalist system need in order to survive?
*What are the proper metrics to measure whether an economic system is truly prospering or not?

Sorry. Just trying to be funny. Did you laugh?

Or. Don’t over think it. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Simply enjoy the results. The less the government tinkers with things, the better for all. Our current, wonderful situation proves this.

One of the many reasons Biden won’t get the nomination, ultimately.

I will agree with you here…this was a heinous and totally unnecessary lie that Biden told.

First of all- no, no, no. You’re not preaching the dangers of “overthinking it”. You’re suggesting we not think about it at all. Which of course is par for the course for the past 30 years, and a key factor why we are where we are.

“Don’t worry…be happy”.

And secondly, you’ve once again made another false assumption about what I’ve said.

I’m ready.

If you’re ready, then go seek out the answers to the questions.

You’re the instructor, instruct please.

I gave you your first instruction.

Think of it as summer homework before the class begins. :smiley:

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Not going to happen. Reading economy makes my hair hurt.

Well then maybe you oughtn’t laugh in your ignorance in the future…

I was actually laughing at you doing precisely what I predicted.

Annnnnd I didn’t say I was ignorant about it.

No- you laughed when I said the “propsperity” people are crowing about is actually false prosperity.

Which is exactly what I predicted would happen.

You predicted nothing.

Or. Simply enjoy the amazing times that we are experiencing. Stop searching the horizon for reasons to be miserable. We are living in an amazing country, The envy of the world. The only thing required of us, is to not screw it up.

You’ve now made yet another false assumption about my mindset.

You’re on a roll today.

But if you want to enjoy the moment, go right ahead.