Jennifer Crumbley found guilty for her son's actions related to school shooting

Did they … before he committed it? You can’t abet if you don’t know there will be a crime.

In the example, the poster asked “if the kid commits murder”. So I think its safe to assume the poster is saying the gang was violent.

giving access to a gun to a person that you know is mentally unstable and that person commits a crime with that gun should definitely be considered willful indifference…

these people knew that the person was mentally unstable and they bought him a gun and gave him easy access to the gun…

they are completely complicit in the crime…

this is no different that a gun dealer selling a gun to someone after they failed the background check…

It is different. What these parents did might be called a straw purchase.

There’s your law @FreeAndClear


Absolutely, had she not been killed. “She didn’t let visitors into their home. She collected powerful weapons. And she began to bring her increasingly troubled son to ‘multiple shooting ranges,’ officials from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said Monday, to practice using those guns together.”

It’s interesting that the people who always point to mental illness as the main cause of mass shootings are now making the case that a mentally ill 15 year old should not be stopped from having access to a handgun.

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Here it is the goal posts movimg from thread topic to suite the lib narrative of evil guns.


“Having access” Interesting choice of term. Citizens with mental children should give up rights?

Or are you feeling you can stop a 15 year-old from accessing anything?


The majority of states have laws regarding guns being locked up if you have children.

What good do they do?

You think you can keep a 15 year-old out of something he wants in?

Sandyhook killed his mother to get access.


Then why bother having any laws that involve minors having access to things…like alcohol, tobacco, weed etc?..You’re never going to stop them from getting it.

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That’s cuz mental illness is every bit the fig leaf that “hopes and prayers” and “good guy with a gun” was.

The bottom line is that they don’t give a rip about consequences so long as their own rights are secure. Talking about mental illness is just to have something to say.


Indeed. And all this is based on a myth, when the NRA was radicalized in the 70’s pushing the insane claim that the 2nd asserts anyone can own/bear any arms with no restrictions (aka regulations).
Prior to that time, that claim was not recognized or pushed, except by radicals.

Followed up by Leonard Leo doing a masterful job of getting extreme RW judges appointed to the fed courts, that supported that insane idea.

And here we are. Radical cons played the long game…and they have been winning.

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If by “prior to that time” you mean 26 whole years……
Prior to 1934 anyone could order anything and get it mailed to them.

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There were no laws before 1934 regarding arms.

There is this ruling in 1939:

In 1939 the U.S. Supreme Court heard the case United States v. Miller, ruling that through the National Firearms Act of 1934, Congress could regulate the interstate selling of a short barrel shotgun. The court stated that > there was no evidence that a sawed off shotgun “has some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia,
and thus “we cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument.”

No mention of an individual’s right to bear arms.

I don’t think that is true. I also don’t think Michigan had any gun storage laws at the time of the shooting.

Do you give a rip about all the innocent humans killed from abortion? And there are many more children killed from abortions every year than a gun. 511,00 innocent children were killed due to abortions in just the first six months of 2023.

Take it to the abortion thread(s). There’s several to chose from.

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You might want to read the constitution. Because the 2nd amendment says anyone can own/bear arms without any restrictions. Only radicals push for laws that are unconstitutional. And all gun laws are unconstitutional.

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Unconstitutional law.