Jennifer Crumbley found guilty for her son's actions related to school shooting

holy leaking lock box Batman

They are all for this until the first parent of a gang member goes to jail for not turning in their kid despite knowing he was in one.


Did the kid commit a crime? If so, aiding and abetting is also a no no.

If the parents know their kid is in a gang and do nothing they would be just as guilty as the Crumbleys if that kid commits a murder.


If they gave a weapon to the kid knowing there was a chance he was going to kill someoneā€¦Why shouldnā€™t they be?

If you are going to try and make some point by pointing elsewhere, at least pick a similar circumstance. Nothing regarding the Kyle Rittenhouse incident is compared to the Crumbley situation.


Should Adam Lanzaā€™s mom have been prosecuted?

ā€œNeedā€? Probably because he ā€œfeltā€ like having one. :smirk:

You werenā€™t home ā€¦ but there is no lock on your liquor cabinet or the spare car key drawer. You are at fault.


Is there a material difference between negligence resulting in death and involuntary manslaughter in Michigan?

Excellent question. It would appear the State wants it both ways.

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No itā€™s not.

But the DA had already declared the minor to be an adult. I wonder if that Genie can be put back into the bottle.

Itā€™s only adding and abetting if you know there is intent to commit a crime.


ā€œIf there was a chanceā€? There is always a chance.

This scenario is closer to their caseā€¦You took him to the liquor store and bought him what he wanted, and then taught him how to drive. You put the cars keys next to the liquor you just bought him and then went outā€¦You are at fault.

Thereā€™s better than a good chance if you know that kid is in a violent gang.

I asked if the parent knew the son committed a crime.

No it isnā€™t. You added several levels of complicity.

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Was their son in a violent gang?

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