Jennifer Crumbley found guilty for her son's actions related to school shooting

I’ve been thinking… I’m tired of being a shield for hoplophobes. Being the doubt creater in the minds of thug savages.

So new law-if you run your suck about gUn ConTroLz! you have to put one of these prominently displayed on each side of your residence and anywhere your children visit.

no gun sign

Leave no doubt!

I don’t live in fear-I’m armed.

Must be nice going through life clueless.


Going through life without being afraid of a boogeyman is pretty good…I highly recommend it

How do you defend your family? You contract it out?

The boggeyman exists

latino gang member

Didn’t say they didn’t…but its not sonething I worry about.

Most ■■■■■■■ don’t even have families to be responsible for. :wink:

This particular kind of ■■■■■ would just get himself hurt. :rofl:


A state of willfull ignorance is not something I can do.

You feel the police will protect you? You counting on it?

Luck like these folks?

Broad daylight. Middle of the day.


"The arrest report states, “The victim’s father, in fear of his child being abducted, immediately grabbed the defendant, and the defendant let the child off of his grasp.”

The boy’s father was able to fight off the predator, and his son was pulled to safety."

Sounds like he did a good job…and no gun needed. :thinking:

Luck. There’s your boogeyman you were trying to mock.

Are you a scrapper?

You don’t get to decide when, where or how it happens-they do.

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That was his outcome. Once. Is it yours?

Could be…Don’t think he’d be after my son though…he’s 34…:grin:

It also states:

The arrest report states, “[The child] sustained redness in his face and his back. The child was visibly shaking and would not let go of his mother’s grasp in fear.”

“Could”? You stake the lives of your family on “could”?

I don’t carry because of the odds. I carry because of the stakes.

Does he carry?

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Do you think he would have tried it if Dad was open carrying?

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He could have grabbed Dads gun while Dad was busy with his son…and gotten away with the son at gun point.


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I know …its not possible…:roll_eyes:

Anything is possible. Who told you it is likely?

“In August, a Columbus, Ohio gas station, a man had his handgun stolen while he was paying the cashier. The criminal took the gun from the unsuspecting customer, fled the scene and the police have not apprehended the now armed suspect”

I don’t live in Ohio.

Shall I now start posting thousands of links to citizens sucessfully defending themselves and their people?